I'm so over just doing what most scientist do, that is blaming it on dust and gravity.
Scientist dont blame it on dust and gravity, and saying that shows a lack of understanding of what science has found on the matter.
Chemists have been searching for the true cause of the universe
Chemists study and practice chemistry - not cosmological origins, you would be an astronomer or theoretical or particle physicist if you were studying the origin of the universe.
But if there was a divine being or entity such as God who had a plan and direction, the universe and the earth wouldn't be as perplexing as it is.
Maybe but that would throw all the "perplexity" on god. Who created god? Why are not the questions that bug you about the universe not bug you about god?
p.s. - Roll a million dice - look at the number - the odds of coming up with that number is astronomical - but it happened anyway.