Religion has always used Sex to control people.
Much had to do with Proving Male Lineage, and a woman's chief value being her uterus.
what was it in the evolution of religion that got them so hung up about what people do with their genitalia?.
i mean, the (mis)use of genitalia is up there with murdering another human being in terms of badness.. and in the 21st century, we have a situation where in the jw religion, it's deemed as acceptable for three middle aged/old men to sit a teenage girl down and ask her the details of her use of her genitals.
to any normal person this is intrusive, completely inappropriate and bordering on deviancy.. why they so obsessed?.
Religion has always used Sex to control people.
Much had to do with Proving Male Lineage, and a woman's chief value being her uterus.
according to some, the earth may have 10 billion people living on it by the end of this century.
there is genuine concern about space and resources.. imagine, then, 100 billion people being resurrected to live on earth.
some jws will argue that not everyone will be resurrected to earth, including 144,000. imagine 50 billion then, assuming that half of the people who ever lived did something so horrific that they aren't deemed worthy to be resurrected.. jws who are lurking and reading this: where are they going to live?
I stated the number that is current - yes 100 billion - in a public talk once. One prominent elder from the congregation I was visiting asked me about that after. "The society says 20 billion I thought"
I told him "yea but that is a very old number, there have been much more accurate studies since that, and its not like the society counted them all up themselves right."
I was going to send him the references after, but never did.
it's been several years since the start of the rebranding of jehovahs witnesses.
i believe it started with the website change.
ever since then the religion has moved in a more modern direction.
Numbers dont lie - the answer is NO.
there are many of us on this site that do not believe that jehovah truly exists.. i think this is a great and wonderful thing to be celebrated!
i'd like people to list the reasons why they do not believe that jehovah exists.
this is open to all, not just atheists or agnostics, but anyone that believes that the god as put forward by does not and can not be real.. i'll start: .
How about - absolutely no evidence for any "spirit world or creatures" at all.
Absolutely no evidence for any intervention into man's affairs at any time at all.
Why would god make a universe and then people on a small planet and completely hide any evidence of his existence.
If the 'bible' were from god, why would he make a completely flawed and book that is so ambiguous that 10,000 religions and sects can read whatever they want from it to believe whatever they want.
You would think it would be the clearest and most remarkable book leaving mankind with no questions about who they are where they are going and who god is. Instead you have a book that even the "CHOSEN ones" the anointed or now the "GB" can't go a week without having to revise what they think it says. Even who the Slave is took them 100 years to figure out:)
The bible is adequate evidence that there is no Jehober.
turning 42 and celebrating my second birthday!
there's some strange crap only we could understand..
Happy birthday.
well my wife is off to a one day convention and will doubtless return home cranky and tired.
Yes but it will be the BEST ONE DAY ASSEMBLY EVER!
i hope you are all having a nice day with family and friends.. :).
I hope you are all having a nice day with family and friends.
had our midweek meeting last night.
they had a resolution to send an extra (i wanna say $1100 but i only remember it was at least $1000) per month to forward the kingdom preaching work etc.. you know how they work in the one votes against anything.
i abstained as i almost have always done.
We did that last year when we were TOLD to by the GB in a letter after the completely swept under the table video about how many new KHs are needed every second because of the MASSIVE growth.
The hall I was part of had paid its mortgage and we were donating about $40/month to the KH Construction donation. Now they are sending $600 per Hall and we have 5 KH meeting in our building.
Hmmm - and no one blinks an eye.
No one thinks - wow its been years since there has been any new Halls being built in our county or surrounding areas.
Lemmings one and all.
sitting there watching the new hbo series last night, i couldn't help but laugh and think about the similarities.
the creators (the gods) and the hosts (their creations) have an interesting relationship.. the "hosts" are programmed to have free thinking but only up to a point.
just like the witnesses.
thanksgiving is really just a nice, traditional, family-oriented day set aside on a national level.
no babylon the great.
give me a break with the holier than thou, "we don't celebrate thanksgiving.
How many JWs are having family gatherings with Ham or Turkey today?