sparky1 - where was that? In a WT publication?
Posts by ttdtt
Try Not To Vomit When You Read Todays Text
by pale.emperor intuesday, february 27. let the elders who preside in a fine way be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard in speaking and teaching.—1 tim.
5:17.. those related to us in the faith certainly merit honor and respect.
this is especially true of the elders who are taking the lead.
Try Not To Vomit When You Read Todays Text
by pale.emperor intuesday, february 27. let the elders who preside in a fine way be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard in speaking and teaching.—1 tim.
5:17.. those related to us in the faith certainly merit honor and respect.
this is especially true of the elders who are taking the lead.
Its all so wonderful. The uneducated men who have the % of making good decisions no better than a coin flip - yet they deserve so much for the people they screw.
And the rest is so nice except there is NO evidence of a Governing Body in the bible - nor any kind of organization as they have today.
Just bullshit that the R&F (like I used to) eat and ask for seconds.
Marriage Proposal in the Kingdom Hall
by Listener injust when you think you've seen it all comes another interesting use of a kingdom hall.a young man serenades his girlfriend with a song (possibly a watchtower song) from the stage through a microphone and backed by recorded music.
then he steps off the stage and gets down on one knee and proposes as he pulls out a ring from his coat pocket.
the large projector screen flashes up behind them with a picture of a sapphire and diamond ring.cameras capture the joyous moment as she accepts and they lock together in a loving hug.
Just like the bible says.
14 Of what benefit is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but he does not have works?p That faith cannot save him, can it?q 15 If any brothers or sisters are lacking clothing* and enough food for the day, 16 yet one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but you do not give them what they need for their body, of what benefit is it?r 17 So, too, faith by itself, without works, is dead.s
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Reflecting On The JW Version Of You
by pale.emperor inlately i've been thinking over how far i've come over the last 2.5 years since leaving the cult.
when i first left i remember not knowing who i really was and what my beliefs and values were.
previously my values and beliefs were dictated to me the the governing body in watchtower magazines.. i'm politically active, being a member of a political party and i'm even considering running in my local election in a few years.. when it comes to religion, im an atheist who has little time for superstition and "god did it" answers to complex questions.
Pale - I feel almost exactly like you in all your points.
Politics, yes! Religion, no! Feminist, yes! Marriage, no unless you already committed!!
Think before you jump, yes!The one place I think I differ is that I am not happy.
I have made sure my kids are free of the cult, and there is no price I wasn't willing to pay for that.But there has been fallout (not DFing, im not - or the expected shunned anyway by people who I thought were friends) but other unexpected punch in the gut over and over again fallout that is killing me.
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The laziness of JW parents....
by stuckinarut2 init struck me that the society has created a culture of lazy jw parenting.. rather than parents being there to guide and direct and help their children through all stages of life, the gb / society has become the "go-too" for everything.. if the child has an issue, there is a wt article for that.. does the child need help with something else?
ah, there is a caleb and sophia cartoon for that.. what about that other topic?
ah, there is a book for that.. so rather than being present parents, the average jw parent simply outsources their parenting to the organization!
Yes 100%. But not only lazy parents but lazy spouses.
Being I JW can be very toxic to the relationship you have with your wife or husband.
You are brainwashed to not concentrate on your marriage but on meetings and service and bla bla bla.
This can only be done for the sake of your relationship.
So what I have seen over and over again, is couples how to grow apart without even knowing it.
Instead of seeing problems and issues and dealing with them as your marriage progresses, you ignore them, put them on hold, think how wonderful your mate will be in paradise, but NEVER work on the issues you have.
Always look at it as not wanting things to impact your relationship with Jah and the congregation.
It has brought so much pain.
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Reflecting On The JW Version Of You
by pale.emperor inlately i've been thinking over how far i've come over the last 2.5 years since leaving the cult.
when i first left i remember not knowing who i really was and what my beliefs and values were.
previously my values and beliefs were dictated to me the the governing body in watchtower magazines.. i'm politically active, being a member of a political party and i'm even considering running in my local election in a few years.. when it comes to religion, im an atheist who has little time for superstition and "god did it" answers to complex questions.
No Bible = No God?
by menrov insome doubt about the bible completely, some partially.
what if the bible turns out to be a product of humans, nothing divine.
would you still believe in a creator?.
No Bible = No God?
by menrov insome doubt about the bible completely, some partially.
what if the bible turns out to be a product of humans, nothing divine.
would you still believe in a creator?.
A seed can feel it is finished as it has been buried—it doesn’t know it has only been planted to continue living!
Venus - I am happy you have the solace of your faith - but - I can prove to you that seeds exist.
I can experiment with what happens to seeds when put in the ground.
I can follow them from seed to sprout every second of the way.
I can examine the DNA of the seed and even make changes to it if I want.
A seed does not have a brain so it cant know or feel anything.
There is NOT mystery on how a seed works.
I don't need FAITH when I plant my flowers.Even if God is willing to provide proof, are we able to see Him, hear Him, feel Him … Our physical eyes are able to see only those objects that lie within the visible range.... It means there are several objects that our eyes cannot perceive
So god is SOOOO powerful - he cants make himself know in an indisputable way?
By the way - our minds have made tools so we can detect and see and manipulate all those things that our eyes cant see.
If god were real, he would make his presence know so it was...
Indisputable - Unambiguous - and it would be Globally Accepted.By the way Gamma Ray bursts I think you are talking about happens when a massive star converts lighter elements into heavier ones through fusion. When fusion no longer makes enough pressure to counteract gravity, the star rapidly collapses to form a black hole. The energy may be released during the collapse along the axis of rotation to form a gamma-ray burst that is amazingly powerful. (dont know what your point is on that)
By the way, the bible didn't help us figure that our. The human mind using the scientific method over decades of years did. Einstien gave us the math that lets us understand what is going on, and observation and experimentation confirm it. NO FAITH REQUIRED.
No Bible = No God?
by menrov insome doubt about the bible completely, some partially.
what if the bible turns out to be a product of humans, nothing divine.
would you still believe in a creator?.