ive asked the same question; when are we having the undedication ceremony? More importantly, if we dont support Babylon the Great, maybe we should demolish the building, and sell it as undeveloped land. After all, the building has been bought and paid for and not by WTBTS
JoinedPosts by luckynedpepper
Quick builds
by moley inwhat was the standard of quick builds.
did they cut corners, ignore building regulations, were they unsafe .
New Light, New Light!
by BoogerMan inmore accurately known as a reversal of a long held 'truth.'.
september 2022 study watchtower - par.
14 p. 18 - "in the past, we understood jesus’ words to refer to the deeds the resurrected ones will practice after their resurrection; that is, some will come to life and practice good things while others will come to life and practice vile things.
nevermind, you reference Par 14 above. Comment withdrawn
So- Who the F#*k does this paragraph 17 in this weeks lesson apply to?
Does this mean that everyone will be resurrected to life on earth during the Thousand Year Reign? No. Those who wickedly rejected the opportunity to serve Jehovah before their death will not be raised to life. They had their chance and proved that they were not worthy of life on paradise earth.
A little boy will lead them [i.e. the wolf...the leopard...the lion. Is. 11:6-9]
by Wonderment indon't know if this subject has been touched on here before, but i have wondered at times, how much literalness can be applied to this messianic prophecy within a paradise setting (assuming one probable interpretation of is.
the wt presents a mental image of complete harmony between animal and mankind.. does this biblical passage somehow indicate that existing wild beasts will feed on vegetation alone.
animals are not spoken of living forever in the bible.
This was included in a part from the Friday afternoon session of the 2022 Regional broadcast.
They have clearly "cooled" in saying that animals would eat literal straw or dust.
Mark of a true Christian
by Lost in the fog inas most of us on this site have experienced firsthand when we were in, there is a lack of love in the majority of congregations.. i was talking to a pimi person recently who said that love was the identifying mark of true christians (in their opinion the jw organisation) and that is why the watchtowers they study continually tell them to show love to one another.. i said that if their love was genuinely practiced they wouldn't need to be told to show it because it would arise from their heart and soul and be evident in believers which is what jesus was actually saying.
recognising the needs of the community with rising food prices some local churches where i live were moved to start food banks and offer free meals to families on the breadline.
to me that is spontaneously shown and is genuine love in action.. needless to say the pimi disagreed with me.
I made this point recently with my wife; If every kind act that we do for people is appropriated by god, as a miracle, we leave no room for christian conduct. Nothing i do is spontaneous. Nothing is the result of my efforts to imitate christ. I'm just an automaton.
Meetings and masks
by optimisticskeptic inas it warms up wearing masks at meetings is getting really old.
the numbers from the cdc don't take justify it in my opinion.
maybe come winter if things spike again.
Sign on the door say "strongly recommended". This phraseology has been discussed ad nauseum.
Farther down it says that only those exposed to covid are "required" to wear masks. By the transitive property, this means no one else IS required. Drop the mask. Its theater.
Prediction of how Watchtower going to be in 5 Years.
by Foolednomore ini can see it that watchtower will become an online/tv based group with just con-vention hall$.. field service would be letter writing and phone preaching, door to door is done.. watchtower will have pay to view programs and still ask for donations after all that.. zoom meetings are here to stay.
kingdumb halls will be sold off except for con-vention venues, or need for new ones$.. df'ing will continue.
the craziness will continue.
What IS a meditation center?
History repeated: pre-1975 trend of selling homes to ‘downsize’
by LongHairGal ini saw this thread on reddit.
i think the reason for this is that the 1975 fiasco is never mentioned in the jw religion.
nobody mentioned it to me when i came in the years after.. the problem with this is that all the sad stories were never told (or hushed up) of people who sold off homes, etc.
born in 1972. I remember "family discussion" about the 1980 (?) "Sorry, not sorry" WT apology. Shocked at the circa 2015 Regional Convention where they said "We never said that"
Congregation in PA sues over mandatory reporting
by Corney inivy hill congregation of jehovah's witnesses is currently suing the pa department of human services.
it requests "a declaration that its elders are entitled to" clergy privilege, or, in the alternative,.
to the extent that the clergyman privilege is determined to exclude its elders on the basis that they are "members of [a] religious organization[] in which members other than the leader thereof are deemed clergymen or ministers," the court declare the statute to be unconstitutional.
Adding to what Fisherman just said;
Most often, confession is not sought within the congregation. More often, an accusation is made a 3rd party, the accused confesses or doesnt. This does not seem to meet the threshold of privlieged communication, but IANAL
Booster shots required for Bethelites and special full time servants?
by PimoElder init’s a shame the gov body did a big u turn on vaccines .
if they continue with the rule that only fully vaxed can go back to the hall then i could have stayed on zoom.
but the term fully vaxed is a moving target, if it’s been like six months since your last shot you are just the same as those of us who are unvaxed .
scrolling news ticker mentioned annual Covid boosters, this morning...
How far do we get away from 1914
by PimoElder inhow far do we get away from 1914 before they have a new light and admit it was all wrong?.
they cling to the old theory of the 77 week prophecy from the wrong date that jerusalem was destroyed .
with the overlapping generations nonsense still we are getting too far away from 1914. what will they say if we get to the 2030s and they still cling to 1914?.
"annointing potential"
This is a new idea, as far as i am concerned. I'm pretty sure the overlapper must be annointed prior to the death of Franz. That eliminates just about everyone born after 1970, IMO.