Topics Started by nateb
I started a new relationship
by greenhornet ini have a girl friend that i like very much.
we have been together about a month now.
we talk about religion some times and i tell her i am christian and leave it at that.
What Do You Like For A Drink?
by minimus ini'm usually a cognac drinker.
i love armagnac too.
and i enjoy a martini i invented---mandarin vodka with a slight bit, usually about a capful of chambord served in an ice cold martini glass.. this saturday i'm mixing with my gf's friends and family in conn. with some affluent people and i might want to try something different.
So who is going to do some kind of protest next Sunday?
by serenitynow! innext sunday is the discussion of the 7/15/2011 wt article about shunning.
i am planning to stand outside of a kh on a major street with a big banner that says that the jws do indeed destroy families with their shunning policy.
i will have many copies of the article that will be discussed that day.. anyone else have any plans?.
If You Had 5 minutes to Create Doubt
by roxanesophia ini regularly encounter jw's i knew while studying and it kills me that they would likely not listen long enough for me to tell them the truth about the truth.
my mother says "don't even bother.
it's like finding out you were adopted.
What is Armageddon For?
by Perry inarmageddon is a military exercise where the nations will be judged in the "valley of decision" for how they treated israel in regard to dividing that land.
it is not to destroy the wicked as the wt teaches.
the wicked are destroyed from the effects of adam in that all die.. i will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.
Is It Love? Or is it Selfishness?
by JamesThomas inas jehovah's witnesses, we are programmed to believe that what we do is out of love.
love for god, our family and neighbors.
this sounds good and it feels good.
Pat Robertson says divorce your spouse if they have Alzheimer's
by Awen ini hope people finally wake up and throw this idiot off their network.. .
For the board atheists....
by Jack C. inthis is a personal observation and certainly not representative of all atheists.
i enjoy discussions with folks of this persuasion; in general they appear well read and somewhat more educated than many believers.
as a group most atheists cringe and become insensed when discussing the existence of a deity with believers especially fundamentalists.
Songs you play when very sad
by JRK inhere is one i am listening to:.
onacruise - Craig Mills 1952-2011
by Lady Lee ini was given the link to a bit of information regarding on old poster/moderator of this forum.
i was not sure of the validity of the information so have been trying to find out if it is true.. earlier today craig's estranged wife, kate, (bikerchic) confirmed that craig died at his home on aug 10, 2011.. i am sure that many people here remember craig's time here and how he went out of his way to offer support to posters, even calling them, to give whatever help he could as they adjusted to their post-jw lives.. i know many people here will grieve his loss.. --------------.
ps i tried posting this earlier but the computer i was working with would not allow the posts.