I think us "apostates" are more anxious to read the new publications than the rank and file! LOL
JoinedPosts by Greybeard
January 2012 WT Study edition on PDF pulled from JW.org website
by bnybyt inthe wt study edition is getting a facelift for the new year.. the january issue had been posted on jw.org but.... the boes hadn't received notice by letter of such a change.. the wts likes to play up every opportunity to have a new release.. this time the jw.org techies jumped the gun and went on to post.
the issues for download according to their established schedule.. unfortunately, they went ahead of the fds/gb who too late .
realized the cat was out of the bag, sort of saying.. well, it got pulled off the website, for now at least.. what's so secretive about it?.
Why can't I just have one day with out seeing a JW ......seriously
by troubled mind intoday i went early to my dad's house to help my disabled sister with medical paperwork .
at 10am the cleaning lady shows up .
she was a jw recruit of my mom's yrs ago, and use to be like a sister to us a really long time ago .
Teary Oberon is the biggest hypocrite on this form! Pay no attention to what this JW apologist has to say. He doesn't obey the organization he believes in. He makes snide remarks all over the place. He has a blog full propaganda to support the Watchtower org. He is a troll.
The Faithful and Discreet Slave - A JW Myth
by 00DAD inprobably this topic has been dealt with before, but i'm relatively new here, so perhaps y'all will be willing to indulge me in my pursuit for clarity.
regarding the anointed, the gb recently said this: .
"we thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know.
So the question remains, "who really is the faithful and discrete slave?"
The WT says it is all the anointed but all of the anointed do not provide "food at the proper time".
The entire FDS teaching of the WT is a complete joke. This was a parable not a prophecy!
My career as a budding alcoholic is over
by Qcmbr ini've had a goal to drink my first alcohol this year and i decided that i would take the plunge while in my hotel.
i chose a tiny bottle of jacob's creek and retired to my room.. i had two sips and had to stop.
seriously vile.
@ Qcmber,
Their is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol. The Bible says "wine makes the heart rejoice". It also says, "drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom of God." Moderation is the key. I always had a problem with moderation so I became addicted to alcohol and I can't drink anymore. I had a very high tolerance. I had way to much fun drinking. It also brought me a lot of heart ache and pain in the latter days of my drinking "career".
If you want to feel the effect but don't like the taste of alcohol, order a Long Island Ice Tea and that will do the trick. They are smooth and easy to drink. If made right, you won't need another drink to feel the effect.
Some will probably condemn me for telling you this after what I have been through. I still don't see anything wrong with it as long as you can control it. Jesus Christ's first miracle was turning water into wine.
There are many bad things that can happen if you over drink. you can loose control and do things you never would have done sober. some have woken up in jail only to discover they have killed a family in a car crash or maybe their friends. The prisons are full of alcohol related crimes.
Just because many become sexaholics and commit sex crimes does not make sex wrong. Sex is a gift from God and so is alcohol. Just don't over do it.
That's my 2cents
Why do we care?
by fade_away inok this thread might get my ass kicked by some of you in here, but don't take it the wrong way...i'm just curious, why do we care so much about the wt calling us "mentally diseased"?
i mean haven't we said far worse things about the wt and gb in this forum?
(i include myself)...i know many of us got all bent out of shape because of those two words they used on us and some of us are trying to get the law on our side, but if we could file lawsuits against them, then i'm sure they can just as easily get their money back by accusing us of "hate speech" and having this website shut down.
@ Watson
It's for real. I got it straight out of the WT Library. Check out this article written on it:
Why do we care?
by fade_away inok this thread might get my ass kicked by some of you in here, but don't take it the wrong way...i'm just curious, why do we care so much about the wt calling us "mentally diseased"?
i mean haven't we said far worse things about the wt and gb in this forum?
(i include myself)...i know many of us got all bent out of shape because of those two words they used on us and some of us are trying to get the law on our side, but if we could file lawsuits against them, then i'm sure they can just as easily get their money back by accusing us of "hate speech" and having this website shut down.
WARNING: All who "stroke the genitals of their fretful babies" Will serve time in prison for child molestation!
*** w73 9/15 p. 568 Breaking Free of Self-Abuse—Why? How? ***
“Did you know, for example, that mothers and fathers who stroke the genitals of their fretful babies to keep them quiet are unwittingly encouraging them to become masturbators later on? Boys and girls may start to play with their private parts during puberty and, not receiving any counsel against this, the first thing they know they are “hooked” on the habit.”
WARNING: Contrary to what this publication claims, it has been proven that this magazine is not directed by Holy Spirit.
Why do we care?
by fade_away inok this thread might get my ass kicked by some of you in here, but don't take it the wrong way...i'm just curious, why do we care so much about the wt calling us "mentally diseased"?
i mean haven't we said far worse things about the wt and gb in this forum?
(i include myself)...i know many of us got all bent out of shape because of those two words they used on us and some of us are trying to get the law on our side, but if we could file lawsuits against them, then i'm sure they can just as easily get their money back by accusing us of "hate speech" and having this website shut down.
I do care, like Cedars, my family is still held captive in this cult! I will do whatever I can to bring it down! I'm with you Cedars
Why do we care?
by fade_away inok this thread might get my ass kicked by some of you in here, but don't take it the wrong way...i'm just curious, why do we care so much about the wt calling us "mentally diseased"?
i mean haven't we said far worse things about the wt and gb in this forum?
(i include myself)...i know many of us got all bent out of shape because of those two words they used on us and some of us are trying to get the law on our side, but if we could file lawsuits against them, then i'm sure they can just as easily get their money back by accusing us of "hate speech" and having this website shut down.
@ designs
That's a great idea! If only the governments would make all religious publishing companies print warning labels! They demand it on almost everything else don't they? Movies, books, food etc... I'm sure it will never happen
I Called the Headquarters About the "Slaughter of Apostates" Quote
by DT inin case you haven't heard, the november 15, 2011 watchtower, page 5 made this comment.
"today, no servant of jehovah uses physical force against opponents of pureworship.
"vengeance is mine," god says.
Great research DT! Thank you!
Why do we care?
by fade_away inok this thread might get my ass kicked by some of you in here, but don't take it the wrong way...i'm just curious, why do we care so much about the wt calling us "mentally diseased"?
i mean haven't we said far worse things about the wt and gb in this forum?
(i include myself)...i know many of us got all bent out of shape because of those two words they used on us and some of us are trying to get the law on our side, but if we could file lawsuits against them, then i'm sure they can just as easily get their money back by accusing us of "hate speech" and having this website shut down.
I see a HUGE difference between what we do and what they do. Their intent is to judge us as worthy of everlasting destruction and then preach that to our families. They demand that our loved ones hate us. They condemn us to spiritual death and if they could, literal death. This is also a violation of our religious freedom. I have not found anyone on here doing that to them, have you? If so, I would think it is a minority. However, the majority of us still love our JW families and would never condemn them to death.
It is one thing to call someone a bad name. It is another to incite others to wish a person dead or judge them worthy of death.
They also violate Jesus words here:
In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ warned his followers: “I say to you that everyone who continues wrathful with his brother will be accountable to the court of justice; but whoever addresses his brother with an unspeakable word of contempt will be accountable to the Supreme Court; whereas whoever says, ‘You despicable fool!’ will be liable to the fiery Gehenna.”— Matthew 5:22 .
How do they violate Jesus words at Matthew 5:22? The Watchtower itself explains this in 2006, 2/15 “Questions From Readers” article asks this: What three dangers was Jesus warning against at Matthew 5:22 ?
"What, then, did the expression “despicable fool” signify? The word used here sounded similar to a Hebrew term that means “rebellious,” or “mutinous.” It designates a person as morally worthless, an apostate and a rebel against God. So the person addressing his fellow as a “despicable fool” is as much as saying that his brother should receive a punishment fit for a rebel against God, everlasting destruction. From God’s standpoint, the one uttering such a condemnation against another could merit that severe sentence—everlasting destruction—himself.— Deuteronomy 19:17-19 ."
So you see, calling someone an "apostate" is the same as calling them a "rebel" or "despicable fool" that is worthy of everlasting destruction/death. The Watchtower judges us this way. The majority here on this forum do not do that to their JW families. Can you see the difference now? I hope you can.
Your brother in Christ,