I want to make a movie called "JW's Up In Smoke" or maybe a Broadway Play
JoinedPosts by Greybeard
by MrFreeze indoes anybody know the jw reasoning why using mind-altering depression and schizophrenia medication are okay but marijuana is not?
okay i could see saying not to use marijuana because it is currently illegal in the us but what if it were legal?
there are lots of health benefits for marijuana.
by MrFreeze indoes anybody know the jw reasoning why using mind-altering depression and schizophrenia medication are okay but marijuana is not?
okay i could see saying not to use marijuana because it is currently illegal in the us but what if it were legal?
there are lots of health benefits for marijuana.
What is safe in this flippin world??? Stress is what kills us!
by MrFreeze indoes anybody know the jw reasoning why using mind-altering depression and schizophrenia medication are okay but marijuana is not?
okay i could see saying not to use marijuana because it is currently illegal in the us but what if it were legal?
there are lots of health benefits for marijuana.
If God made it your most likely safe, if man made it, watch out!!!
by MrFreeze indoes anybody know the jw reasoning why using mind-altering depression and schizophrenia medication are okay but marijuana is not?
okay i could see saying not to use marijuana because it is currently illegal in the us but what if it were legal?
there are lots of health benefits for marijuana.
To me marijuana is proof God exists
A Prayer Request for JJ at jwstruggle.com
by Greybeard inhere it is: http://www.jwstruggle.com/2012/06/we-need-your-prayers-now/.
thank you,.
Do NOT be mislead, False Prophets will not inherit Gods Kingdom yet THAT is what some of you were!
by Greybeard inyes many of us here were false prophets parroting the wts/gb/jworg's false teachings for years.
"new lite" = time ran out... has anyone noticed how the wts keeps quoting genesis 6:3, the scripture on a generation lasting 120 years?
they did it again in yesterdays wt study.
No problem cantleave,
I understand where you are coming from. We are all on our own path/journy and my hope is that it leads to enlightenment. Seams the older I get, the less I find that I know...
Take care,
Do NOT be mislead, False Prophets will not inherit Gods Kingdom yet THAT is what some of you were!
by Greybeard inyes many of us here were false prophets parroting the wts/gb/jworg's false teachings for years.
"new lite" = time ran out... has anyone noticed how the wts keeps quoting genesis 6:3, the scripture on a generation lasting 120 years?
they did it again in yesterdays wt study.
@ Cantleave,
I have no problem with Atheists who respect other peoples beliefs. I can understand why many become Athiest. I was kicked off a forum by Athiests about a year ago or so. I have never kicked anyone off our forum that I can recall. Our forum is not a open free for all anything goes type forum. It is not a place where we allow the promotion of Athiesm to prevail as it does in many forums. Truth is... lately I have not been on our forum much or blogged in a while. I have a special fondness for all who were JW's like myself, including Athiests. I believe God has more respect for Athiests than he does religious hypocrites.
Like most of us, I am still working out what I believe to be true. I have been trying to shed some of my life long religious hypocrisy. I lean twords universal salvation and I believe the Bible supports that. I do not believe the Bible is a infalable book that God has written. I prefer the words in RED by Christ himself. Christ brought a different message, love your enemies etc, etc, etc... I sometimes have a problem with things Paul said that seam to contradict Jesus. Jesus said to have no leader except me. For me, that leaves ALL men out. So far, I have no problem with anything Jesus said or did. I don't think their could be a more perfect example of love than what Christ showed. Calling him names... calling God names and promoting Satan is not something I care to entertain. If it is in my power, it will not happen in my home or on a forum I run. I think people should be able to respect that. I have only been out of the JW's for about 3 years. I have made mistakes on other forums where I was rude in return to Athiests and I did apologise for that a long time ago.
Do NOT be mislead, False Prophets will not inherit Gods Kingdom yet THAT is what some of you were!
by Greybeard inyes many of us here were false prophets parroting the wts/gb/jworg's false teachings for years.
"new lite" = time ran out... has anyone noticed how the wts keeps quoting genesis 6:3, the scripture on a generation lasting 120 years?
they did it again in yesterdays wt study.
Thank you Diest for finally answering my question. "Satan is a myth to us, so he has no power." Sounds to me like you are speaking for WTWizzard too. You didn't "hijack" my thread, you answered my question. I have often wondered what hope I have if 1/3 of the "perfect" angels fell away. That is something to think about... I tend to lean twords universal salvation and I believe the Bible supports this. A good website on this subject is here: http://www.hopebeyondhell.net/
I take it you are both athiests?
Woman jumps into pool during Long Beach DC!
by puffthedragon inhttp://youtu.be/dht3cedgg6e.
watch the right hand side of the screen.. .
i am trying to imbed it but can't make it work.
THIS IS SO FUNNY!!! Jesus would most likely have said, "I have never seen such faith in all the land" and praised the woman... What do these guys do? They refuse to baptise her and make her get out... How Christian is this? Maybe she wanted to wash off all the BS she just heard at the DC!
Do NOT be mislead, False Prophets will not inherit Gods Kingdom yet THAT is what some of you were!
by Greybeard inyes many of us here were false prophets parroting the wts/gb/jworg's false teachings for years.
"new lite" = time ran out... has anyone noticed how the wts keeps quoting genesis 6:3, the scripture on a generation lasting 120 years?
they did it again in yesterdays wt study.
@ Diest,
Ok, I get what you are saying... So what is the rest of the story??? Is Satan our God?