For goodness' sake. Run. Dump him. The sex can't be that good. Wake up. ... and learn to use the possessive. It's not "Jehovah Witness" it's "Jehovah's Witnesses."
Posts by vienne
non jehovah witness dinner
by whatisthis12 inso almost two weeks ago, my boyfriend(who was disfellowshiped) went to the memorial.
he hasn’t spoken to his parents, friends, or siblings for over a year because of it.
the only person he keeps in contact with is his grandma, which is who he went along with.
I want to talk with other people
by Sammy12 ini want to talk with people who are witnesses.
i’m 17f and wanting some company.
get in contact with me please.
As a mother of five girls, I am totally uncomfortable with you being here. There are excellent people here and some who make me shudder. None of them share your faith and some of them will not have your best interest at heart. Always use caution when using the Internet.
Socialize with live people. Be outgoing but be cautious, even in real life. Not every friend needs to be your age. When I was your age my most important friends and mentors were older, mature people. But I had my share of friends from my age cohort, some of whom are still my fast friends.
Secret Societies involved at the very top of the Org
by Formerbrother inare all the gb members past and present, part of skulls and bones and other masonic secret societies?
we know the first few top brass were, like br rutherford and br russel.. they all have several expensive watches.
like literally more than one for everyday of the week, rolex and omega, where did they come from?
No surprise that he wasn't a Mason. There was considerable agitation among Christians against Masons and other 'secret' societies. Russell was exposed to that. He found his niche among YMCA evangelists, circulating tracts and night time street preaching in 'doggeries' [Very low class bars and taverns] and pool halls.
If you're interested, we document this in Separate Identity, volume 1, available via or Amazon.
He also pursued internally sponsored church functions. He tells of his disappointment over Church Fairs and his distaste at selling tickets for them and the degradation [as he saw it] of female church members. Russell came from the conservative side of an ages long church divide. Philip Schaff, a 19th Century historian and religion writer described it as "a conflict between separation and catholicism: Between the idea of the church as an exclusive community of regenerate saints and the idea of the church as the general christendom of State and people."
Modern readers are not used to his use of an un-capitalized 'catholicism.' He meant not the Catholic church but an all inclusive universal church. Russell believed that the church was the habitation of saints, not open to unregenerate sinners. We consider this in volume 2 of Separate Identity, which is, thankfully, nearing completion. Joining the Masons or any other secretive group would have run against his ideas of Christian behavior and association. He felt that the work of Christ came before anything else, even if otherwise 'innocent.' So frivolous associations and events took one away from Christ. This was not a new development in his theology but came from his Calvinist background.
On these grounds alone, we would conclude that Russell would not have been drawn to the Masons.
Secret Societies involved at the very top of the Org
by Formerbrother inare all the gb members past and present, part of skulls and bones and other masonic secret societies?
we know the first few top brass were, like br rutherford and br russel.. they all have several expensive watches.
like literally more than one for everyday of the week, rolex and omega, where did they come from?
Data, how about some proof, some evidence beyond speculation? Some original source document? Something that will convince a historian such as myself? Something that isn't based on a logic flaw?
Secret Societies involved at the very top of the Org
by Formerbrother inare all the gb members past and present, part of skulls and bones and other masonic secret societies?
we know the first few top brass were, like br rutherford and br russel.. they all have several expensive watches.
like literally more than one for everyday of the week, rolex and omega, where did they come from?
he did not use masonic symbols. that's a falsehood perpetrated by someone who would rather believe a conspiracy theory than use logic or seek real evidence. There is no "Russell bloodline." The Society sold the cemetery long before the Masons built their center.
The Society sold the land (apart from couple of reserved plots) to the North Side Catholic Cemetery in November 1917. The Catholic Cemetery Association finally sold it on to Masonic Fund Society of Pittsburgh in October 1994. There is no Masonic connection.
The lack of logic and clear thinking on the part of the Russell was a Mason theorists [it doesn't reach the level of a theory, really] explains why they became Witnesses in the first place and why they left. They're mental 'drifters' willing to accept any belief that makes them comfortable.
No member of the Governing Body belongs to skull and bones. To be a member you must be an undergraduate at Yale. None of the Governing Body attended Yale. Masonic rings have a symbol on them. None of the rings shown on this board do, nor do they have any evidence of a symbol being removed.
To step back one step, where is your proof that the Masons seek world domination? Proof that they have secret control of society. And if you prove that, why would they want to use the Witnesses, a largely despised sect?
Secret Societies involved at the very top of the Org
by Formerbrother inare all the gb members past and present, part of skulls and bones and other masonic secret societies?
we know the first few top brass were, like br rutherford and br russel.. they all have several expensive watches.
like literally more than one for everyday of the week, rolex and omega, where did they come from?
That Russell was a Mason had been disproved many times and long ago. Rutherford was not a Mason either. The OP premise is false, based on imagination and not facts. But some people will be silly no matter what others say or do.
Sign JW Data Protection Form Or Else!
by AverageJoe1 inin spain (and the rest of europe), the "improved" data protection laws come into force on 25th may 2018. this is a good thing and sadly america is still lagging behind; not surprising with their current president!.
watchtower legal department are hot on the case and have instructed elders to hand out the new "release" forms out to all the publishers in their groups, whilst making it clear to them that they won't have any privileges if they refuse to do so!.
note these points in the instructions:.
I would never sign the consent form.
How long since your last memorial?
by NewYork44M inthis is my 15th year without going to the memorial.
based on comments, it seems i did not miss anything.
I attended this year. I'm not a Witness but I write about them. So I attend some meeting or convention each year. My take on this one is that the Hispanic elder who gave the sermon did not understand basic Watchtower doctrine. This is not uncommon among Watchtower elders. The problem is poor education. The Watchtower's "Kingdom Ministry School" is inadequate, Nothing about Watchtower 'education' produces competent pastors.
Religion Project
by Darren Doody ini've recently taken a particular interest in the jehovah's witness belief, and as a result, have decided to do a project on this belief as part of my college study.
i am a student teacher in ireland, so, i am undertaking this project from an educational perspective; i want to see how jehovah's witnesses are catered for in religious education in schools, and if there are any ways one could improve it.
i would appreciate if anyone could give their opinion on this topic.
Little posted here addresses the issue. I'm a long-term educator, but not in the EU. Before bad health forced me into retirement, I was a school administrator. In American public schools there is little place for religion. Teaching religion in public schools runs up against the constitution. But that doesn't mean educators are insensitive to religious issues. Ideally, teachers should keep their personal feelings out of religious discussions. They will arise. During my tenure I suspended or fired three teachers for abusing students over their religious choices.
If you're pursuing this topic you will want to familiarize yourself with Witness doctrine and practice. Read their literature, attend a meeting or two. But you will want an outside view too. I recommend Zoe Knox's new book: Jehovah's Witnesses and the Secular World. This is a largely accurate consideration of Witness culture that discusses its conflicts with the state and society. I also recommend George Chryssides' Jehovah's Witnesses: Continuity and Change. Both books have some errors, as do most books on Witnesses, but they are largely neutral. And neither author lies to you. I should tell you that Zoe says nice things about my book in hers. But I'm not recommending her book to you because of that. I should tell you that I am on friendly terms with both authors, but it is a professional, not a social relationship.
Not all Witness children have fully adopted that faith. Some will leave it as they approach adulthood. Some are fully committed from a very early age. Nevertheless, they and their beliefs should be treated with respect, especially by teachers. Some Witness practices put children in a sometimes uncomfortable spotlight. A teacher's duty is to mitigate that. Accommodate difference in the gentlest and most sensitive way possible.
In a class that examines historical roots, point out that Witness theology rests within Christian history, just not withing 'orthodox' history. At one point elements of Witness theology dominated Europe. An even handed teacher will not present religions as true or false, but just present matters as they are. This requires a depth of research not characteristic of most lower-grades teachers. And there are few to no texts and guides that fill the gap. A religion teacher should be an adept and committed educator.
Some Witness children are very open and adept speakers. For some years I taught Gifted and Talented students. An uncharacteristically high percentage came from Witness families. They were articulate and willing to prompt class discussions. Give Witness students an opportunity to speak if they want to. This should be voluntary, not forced.
If you want more from me, say so here or PM me.
The Home of Charles Taze Russell - Renovated
by Wild_Thing incharles and maria russell lived in one side.
emma russell lived on the other.
emma russell was maria's younger sister who married charles's father.
This is a bit of self-promotion. All sorts of things you may not have known about Russell and his associates are found in past articles on the blog and in our two history books. See links on the blog.