yes, please. And thanks
Posts by vienne
16 German Documents and 1 English Video arrived!
by Atlantis in16 german documents and 1 english video arrived.. if you are on the email list these files are already in your email.
just continue with your fried chicken.. if you are not on the email list, reply below and i'll swing by your pm box and leave a download link.. petra!.
2020-04-10--Safe Work Protocols--COVID-19!
by Atlantis in2020-04-10 letter--instructions.. safe work protocols.
those on the email list already have this letter in their email box.. .
those not on the list, reply below that you want us to drop a copy off in your pm box.. .
yes, please.
My latest letter to WT demanding correction from their side
by Kosonen inbrothers and sisters associated with the watchtower society may 9, 2020. i have tried to inform you of the necessary adjustments you ought to take in order to truly be in the truth.
but my efforts have remained fruitless.
you well know the biblical procedure.
I have an uncle deep enough 'in' to know they "deep six" letters like this. Waste of printer ink.
Fruits of the spirit
by asp59 into all that been in betel service.
as 1440.000 are suppose to rule like kings they must also be an example of putting the fruits of the spirit in there daily life(charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity (kindness), goodness, longanimity (forbearance), mildness (gentleness), faith, modesty, continency (self-control), and chastity.).
have you meet a gb member or other from the 144.000 in betel when you were there that you could easy see that this person wakes up in the morning and is determined to apply fruits of the spirit in there life?
It seems to me that this forum attracts more than its share of mental health issues.
8 Documents Arrived Today!
by Atlantis in1.--authorization and release agreementfor disaster relief medical assistance.
------------------------------------------------------------------2.--for the attention of all elders------------------------------------------------------------------.
3.--additional direction regarding assistance with practical needs------------------------------------------------------------------.
please PM me the links. Thanks,
Kermit Is Delivering Documents!
by Atlantis inkermit is delivering documents with his kermit chopper..
if you are on the receive list these documents are already in your email.. .
if your not on the list, then reply below that you want kermit to swing by your place, and drop off a copy in your pm box.. .
yes, please send
Now on Amazon
by vienne inmore money for the research fund is generated if you buy mom's book from
but if you must buy from amazon, it is now there:.
More money for the research fund is generated if you buy mom's book from
But if you must buy from Amazon, it is now there:
Too new for many reviews, but all of them have been positive so far.
I miss my mom.
New Review of Mom's Book
by vienne intoo long to post here, but you can read it here:.
Too long to post here, but you can read it here:
Currently Reading a very informative book! Jehovahs Witnesses And The
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara incurrently reading: jehovahs witnesses and the third reich by james penton.
a wonderful book written by an ex jw, born in 1932. i find this book very informative, interesting specially coz i was not around then.its thorough, lucid factual,every detail referenced and analytical data is provided to authenticate the veracity of assertion.
a pretty good read indeed for pimis n pimos alike!.
Mom had Penton's books. I've only read two of them, not this one. I liked his book on Witnesses in Canada.
Separate Identity vol 2 [Mom's book]
by vienne ina brief review of mom and b’s newest work found in the french journal: .
mouvements religieux: bulletin publié par l’association d’etude et d’information sur les mouvements religieux, mars – avril 2020, numéro 476-477. .
cet ouvrage monumental est fondamental sur l’histoire des étudiants de la bible, de leurs pr'écurseurs et des débuts de leur histoire.