I looked through Mom's research notes and books. Here's what I found:
Kingdom Ministry Course, 1959 as handouts at Gilead, published as a hardbound book 1960
Kingdom Service Questions
Kingdom Ministry Course booklet, 1966. A paper booklet to supplement the 1959 book.
Kingdom Ministry School Course. 1972. A hardback book.
Kingdom Ministry School Course. A booklet to supplement the 1972 book. Unknown date.
I think everything else has been listed. There are other restricted booklets. Some were for Bethel Service, One for Public Relations Servants, a mimeographed booklet for same, and internal booklets for various Watchtower Society departments.
Mom's books:
https://www.amazon.com/Separate-Identity-Organizational-1870-1887-Organization/dp/1678009245 [vol 2]
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