His interpretation is not at all Watchtower doctrine. Maybe you should counsel him about 'running ahead.'
Posts by vienne
Babylon has fallen...
by mikeflood incould you guys believe this über borg 'friend' ?.
he says that babylon has fallen because all of the coronavirus restrictions (and the resultant less revenue) are gonna destroy them symbolically.
so he thinks this are the last, of the last, of the last days.
Watchtower Sues to Keep Convention Videos Off Internet
by Sea Breeze inhttps://www.sltrib.com/religion/2020/07/20/mormonleaks-founders-pay/?fbclid=iwar31g8tcjkq3dtzxjx6mhinhqnk6fequaiwu_278zkhia6vmbyb6ha_jz28.
so i guess the wt holds free public gatherings, but will sue anyone who publishes a video of the free speeches?
what happened to advertise, advertise advertise the king and his kingdom?
I think many here to not understand copyright law. A copyright gives one the choice as to how and when their material is circulated. That it is circulated for free in some context does not give license to others to circulate it. This is especially so with digital material.
Mom circulated some of her books for free to select people and institutions. However, when someone copied it and put it up on the internet, she made them take it down. Her books are for sale in a public context. Taking material you do not have permission to use is theft.
Elder manuals
by dogisgod inpre elder arrangement.
we had congregation overseer.
when did the society begin publishing the secret “elder” books and training..
I looked through Mom's research notes and books. Here's what I found:
Kingdom Ministry Course, 1959 as handouts at Gilead, published as a hardbound book 1960
Kingdom Service Questions
Kingdom Ministry Course booklet, 1966. A paper booklet to supplement the 1959 book.
Kingdom Ministry School Course. 1972. A hardback book.
Kingdom Ministry School Course. A booklet to supplement the 1972 book. Unknown date.
I think everything else has been listed. There are other restricted booklets. Some were for Bethel Service, One for Public Relations Servants, a mimeographed booklet for same, and internal booklets for various Watchtower Society departments.
Mom's books:
https://www.amazon.com/Separate-Identity-Organizational-1870-1887-Organization/dp/1678009245 [vol 2]
If you're interested in Witness and Bible Student early history, you should read these.
3 English and 3 Spanish Letters Arrived! (as of 2020-07-06)
by Atlantis in3 english and 3 spanish letters arrived as of (2020-07-06).
textos bíblicos y referencias para visitas de ánimo.
scriptures and references for encouraging calls.
yes, please send. an you have my appreciation as always.
11 More Documents--Kingdom Hall Trust and Other Stuff!
by Atlantis in11 more documents, a bunch of stuff!.
2020--sample accounts sheet—congregation bank version.
kingdom hall trust documents.
please send the link.
4 Letters Arrived--English and Spanish! (as of 2020-06-19)
by Atlantis in1.--2020-06-18-- english--instructions for our online meetings.. distractions.
personal appearance .
Dear Petra, yes, please send. and as always, my thanks.
Lloyd Evans exploitation videos.
by phoenixrising ini used to watch his videos on the monthly gb talks.
he has went over the top a few times doing one video on why being liberal idiot is a good thing.
he has made comments on the usa not knowing shit about what he was desperately trying to talk about.
I sometimes listen to the BBC World Service. None of their commentators or presenters "get" America. They're often wrong, slanted so badly that an American would not recognize themselves. They seem to think the United States should be just like them. While the original colonies were British, the majority ethnicity in the US is German followed by Hispanic.
We aren't like the UK and do not wish to be.
2 More Letters Arrived! (as of 2020-06-09)
by Atlantis in2 letters arrived.. .
2020-06-04--directions relating to covid-19----6 page letter.
yes, please share. Thanks.
Black Lives Matter—Do You Agree With Their Philosophy?
by minimus ini agree with people who say all lives matter.
i think blm is a racist group.
if white people pushed an agenda saying white lives matter, some people would have a conniption..
No i do not.
The Next Mega File Folder!
by Atlantis inmega file folders grandpa is putting together for me.
the first one was the boe's, forms, and manuals from 2010 to 2020 mostly english.
the next one is the german mega folder with boe's, forms, and manuals, 2010 to 2020 english and german files.
Please send the English language folder. thanks, Annie