I attend meetings with my sisters sometimes. Two of them are baptized. To be clear, while I like most Witnesses, their religion is not Biblical in key areas, and I'm not a Witness. There are NO prospects of me becoming one. But I listen to the meetings very carefully. I'm just at the start of perusing my BA in Education, following mom's footsteps, and gramma's too.
If I were in your situation, I'd put huge effort into researching assignments, and making my presentation as polished and studied as possible. You will learn from that. You do not have to believe Watchtower publications to learn from the experience.
I have a question though. How old are you? I ask because it's not called 'the ministry school' anymore. How you approach this may be affected by your age.
Dealing with elders can be a challenge. Witness education level is low. Ignore their faults, no matter how difficult that is. As long as you associate you may as well suck in as much experience, thought and education as you can. If you approach their sometimes boring, ill prepared meetings with that goal, you'll be surprised what the experience will teach you.
All the best,
Anastasia (Annie)