I'm a plain spoken very young woman. I'd counsel the counselor. In what way does someone who can't handle the language qualify as a teacher? Aren't elders supposed to be teachers? And why haven't the other elders counseled him? Are they 'hicks from the sticks' too?
Do the research anyway. I do that with my assignments - university not meetings of course. Probably shouldn't stump the teacher too much, but if you find something interesting, slightly puzzling, then politely put him on the spot.
My mom [PhD in history] would do that when elders came to call. She was never a Witness though gramma was in late life. But they'd call on her regularly. I have two uncles by marriage who are elders and a grand uncle who was a long-serving elder, though he is infirm now. They enjoyed mom's questions, but under-educated elders did not. She, as the expression goes, "cut them no slack."