I am continually puzzled by those who post 'authoritative' things that are based on nonsense. Russell was never a Seventh Day Adventist, or for that matter an Adventist of any kind. He was an Age to Come Millennialist. [See vol 1 of Schulz and de Vienne (my mom), Separate Identity and Mom's introductory essay for vol 2.] He associated most closely with The Restitution, an age to come newspaper, before going his own way.
By 1844 Storrs was no longer a Millerite Adventist. Stetson wrote for the Restitution and the British journal The Rainbow and was by the time Russell met him no longer an Adventist. Shouldn't we inform ourselves before we write?
Oppose Jehovah's Witnesses. Certainly. But when we spew uninformed nonsense, we persuade no one.