Put lives at risk. That seems to be utter nonsense. There are dozens of other search engines. Use one of those.
Posts by vienne
Google threatening to pull search engine from Australia
by joey jojo ingovernment is saying google should pay fees to news media for aggregating news.
google says they will geo-block australia from search if forced to.
raises some interesting questions about how dependant we have all become and how entangled google is in our lives.
The Power Behind Rutherford
by DNCall innot the holy spirit and not the couple on the left.
it's the couple on the right, bonnie and bill heath.
to be more precise, it was their money that empowered jf rutherford and much of what he was able to do.
Source for your suggestion that the Heaths paid for Beth Sarim. I'm very, very interested.
Do old time present day active JW`s genuinely believe in overlapping generations ?
by smiddy3 infor the life of me i can not come to terms with old timers in the "truth" who could swallow this interpretation of scripture about an overlapping generation .. when jesus spoke about "this generation" .
are their any real bible students among younger ones any more ?.
here are 3 bible scriptures that confirm a generation is approximately 40- 50 years long give or take a few years .. 1. matt:1 :17 abraham born 2016-18 bc jesus born 2 bc approx.
I don't think 'overlapping generations' makes much sense. But I know some older witnesses who seem to believe it without understanding it.
To me it appears that the overlapping argument allow them another hundred years or so to play with.
Talk Outlines You Might Want!
by Atlantis intalk outlines you might want and a lot of them are dated 2020.. .
let me know if anyone wants the "original" zion's watch tower issues in pdf and searchable.
Thanks as always. I'd love to have the Bible Student Material.
Anastasia Marie [Annie]
Should JW's Follow an Apostate?
by Sea Breeze inwasn't ct russell an apostate seventh day adventist?.
Apparently some of you do not like an accurate presentation of Witness history. Fine. Live with your myths, but when you repeat them you make those who oppose the Watchtower look like fools. And you can 'thumbs down' this post too.
Should JW's Follow an Apostate?
by Sea Breeze inwasn't ct russell an apostate seventh day adventist?.
I do not see in that quotation what you claim. Elaborate.
Should JW's Follow an Apostate?
by Sea Breeze inwasn't ct russell an apostate seventh day adventist?.
No, they're one of the splinter groups from the original Millerite movement of the 1840s.
Should JW's Follow an Apostate?
by Sea Breeze inwasn't ct russell an apostate seventh day adventist?.
I should add that in the late Victorian and early Edwardian eras, all things Egyptian were popular and used in many non-related designs. For many years there was a theater here called "The Egyptian." It's long gone, but the Egyptian theaters were all over the USA; that was part of the trend. I wouldn't attach too much meaning to the winged globe design. The original of that seems to have come from Assyria anyway.
Should JW's Follow an Apostate?
by Sea Breeze inwasn't ct russell an apostate seventh day adventist?.
I presume you are led to this by the winged globe design on the Studies and the pyramid monument in the Society's cemetery. Russell and many other, including Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists, famous clergymen some of them, were persuaded that the Great Pyramid was built by Melchizedek. Nonsense of course, though still believed. But in the Russell era it was a widely spread belief. Russell accepted it along with many others.
One should note that Russell had no hand in the pyramid monument. It's not his grave marker. That's a headstone nearby. It was designed by a Bible Student and built after Russell's death. It was not meant to connect Bible Students or Russell to the Masons. That claim is unsupported by facts. It was meant to connect to Russell era belief that the capstone on the pyramid was a picture in stone of Jesus, "the head of the corner."
You will find more in Separate Identity, vol. 1 and on the blog to which Mom contributed before her death.
Use the search function to find appropriate articles. There are a number of them
Should JW's Follow an Apostate?
by Sea Breeze inwasn't ct russell an apostate seventh day adventist?.
I am continually puzzled by those who post 'authoritative' things that are based on nonsense. Russell was never a Seventh Day Adventist, or for that matter an Adventist of any kind. He was an Age to Come Millennialist. [See vol 1 of Schulz and de Vienne (my mom), Separate Identity and Mom's introductory essay for vol 2.] He associated most closely with The Restitution, an age to come newspaper, before going his own way.
By 1844 Storrs was no longer a Millerite Adventist. Stetson wrote for the Restitution and the British journal The Rainbow and was by the time Russell met him no longer an Adventist. Shouldn't we inform ourselves before we write?
Oppose Jehovah's Witnesses. Certainly. But when we spew uninformed nonsense, we persuade no one.