Back in the day my granduncle wore a huge [well it look huge to me as a young child] silver pocket watch. A gold ornament hung from the chain. It was from a history honor society. One of the old women in his congregation accused him of wearing a cross. He thought that was funny. I thought it was moronic.
Posts by vienne
Dimwits running the show
by punkofnice ini often found that there were some real dimwits that thought they were marvellous.
a sort of dunning kruger spectrum going on.. donkeys leading princes.
just like our corrupt and retarded politicians.
Just how much of a dramatic FLOP is this NEW LIGHT?
by Terry in
your opinion, please, on the above video.
1. before jesus, humans were judged either by the law (jews and converts) or by natural law (noahide law).
You will find the discussion of E. G. Whites plagiarism interesting. An Inspired Prophet does not need to plagiarize from anyone. Also, in her earliest years' meetings were sometimes characterized by what a really conservative Christian would consider demonism, barking, crawling on all fours, head butting the rear end of the nearest girl. Lots to explore. SDA generated many disaffections and pamphlets and books presented as exposés . I haven't pursued this at length. I'm writing my thesis on Witnesses, not the SDA church.
Just how much of a dramatic FLOP is this NEW LIGHT?
by Terry in
your opinion, please, on the above video.
1. before jesus, humans were judged either by the law (jews and converts) or by natural law (noahide law).
Speculating on something that hasn't happened yet seems unfruitful. And it seems to me at least, that this man, a Seventh-day Adventist, has as much or more to hide from as Jehovah's Witnesses do.
Anyone info William Schnell the German branch leader who sold out his Witnesses to tha Nazism?
by Witness 007 ini read after the war how he wrote inspiring kingdom songs..."forward you witnesses!
" not revealing he was a nazi informant who under pressure gave up all his flock and basically shut down the german branch.
anyone have this info i lost it..
you're confusing Eric Frost and William Schnell. I believe the claim about Frost is unproven.
Renting to a Witness of the opposite sex...
by James Robinson ini need a question answered.
i know of a situation where a single sister took in a single brother as a renter, so she could be his caregiver, as he was very along in years.. long story short, they were forced to get married.
i believe it was labeled under "appearance of evil" by the elders.. my question is: what do the elders base this on?
In that situation, they base it on stupidity.
The WT brings up the theme of fleeing
by Kosonen in
this article explains what a modern time application to fleeing might involve in the prophecy jesus told about the last days.. that is a timely reminder.
i think it will become soon possible to flee to australia from the mark of the beast.
Amazing, isn't it? That someone with mental health issues can generate so many comments.
Request----Federal Post Office Inspector!
by Atlantis inatlantis:.
do you have a copy of a letter that was sent out by a congregation overseer, with a complaint from the federal post office inspector, concerning letters being sent out by jw's?.
yes, i have it, but very few people show any interest in the letters anymore.
We dealt with the USPS inspectors. It does not seem to be the role of a postal inspector to monitor letter content. Police? Yes, if it is threatening. And the letter here is not a WT society letter. Still interesting. I'd like to see the more recent Watchtower Society letters.
Letter to the pioneers
by DAWUD inhey!.
is it true that the pioneers used to get letter each year?
does anyone have any?.
I would like to see them all. I have 2 terabytes free memory. Can we do this?
A bit of history ... for you history buffs
by RR ini wasn't sure where to post this.
not sure why i'm posting this.
it's only going to add fuel to the fire.
Major portions of Russell's 'restitution' doctrine come from Age to Come and Colonial Era writers, best I can tell. Armstrong came out of the Abrahamic Faith/General Conference movement, so it isn't surprising that he held similar doctrines.
I want to identify as closely as possible what Russell read. Modern Watchtower implies that he derived his beliefs from an intensive Bible study without acknowledging that Russell himself points to others - at one point naming a long list of writers on prophecy.
A bit of history ... for you history buffs
by RR ini wasn't sure where to post this.
not sure why i'm posting this.
it's only going to add fuel to the fire.
I'm also interested in the roots of Russell's 'restitution' doctrine, that is belief in restored paradise earth. His system differed significantly from Adventism. I've read what Separate Identity says, and some research on my own. I wonder what others know. Anyone?