Sorry, I hit the thumbs down when I meant to hit thumbs up. I don't see a way to fix that. Again, I'm sorry for the error.
this topics get a great deal of discussion here.
what i find interesting is even some of my pimi family is embracing the reality that all is not well with jw.org and that many current jws are just going through the motions due to not having a good way out of the org.
wondering what could realistically lead to the collapse of jw.org in the not distant future?
Sorry, I hit the thumbs down when I meant to hit thumbs up. I don't see a way to fix that. Again, I'm sorry for the error.
2020-11-s-147-e--announcements and reminders.
reply below if you want the link, and don't forget to tell the bartender what drink you want!.
booze menu.
yes, please and thanks in advance
2020-10--publications approved for discard.. .
reply below and i'll meet you back at the pm breakroom for coffee and a link.. .
yes, please. And advance thanks for this and your hard work.
Anastasia aka Annie
the watchtower's most secret book!.
the truth that gives you eternal life, bethel edition.
the truth that gives you eternal life was published on watchtower presses, and is not to be confused with the truth that leads to eternal life published by the watchtowerbible and tract society.
Do we have an official Watchtower letter ordering books destroyed?
the watchtower's most secret book!.
the truth that gives you eternal life, bethel edition.
the truth that gives you eternal life was published on watchtower presses, and is not to be confused with the truth that leads to eternal life published by the watchtowerbible and tract society.
Can we attach an author's name to this?
elders meet with regular pioneers, special pioneers, and field missionariesplease note: this meeting is to be conducted in december 2020 or january 2021 by two elders selected by the body of elders.. english letter and spanish letter.. .
reply below if you want me to meet you at your pm box with a link and some of these:.
yes, please.
i have a very good friend who has been banned from facebook simply because he makes remarks positive about president trump and negative toward the democratic party.
he has tried to get back on facebook and it appears there is no way for him to return.
people are being removed from social media platforms simply because they have a different political view.
Tech companies, especially social media companies, are do not differ materially from public utilities or phone companies that ARE regulated. It's in both parties interest to regulate them. Today they support the far left; tomorrow they may change and then the left will howl.
2020-october-12th.. re: 2020 year end report.
reply below for the link and a milkshake back in the pm section.. https://www.legendairymilkshakebar.com/.
yes please, and thanks in advance.
2020-10--letter writing templates manual.
91 pages.
2020-10-01--donation arrangement--pre-authorized debit.
Yes please.
i found an article at zerohedge explaining how a state sponsored microchip will be redy for use in the spring for detecting corona virus infections before people feel symptoms.. the article expect that majority of the people will line up to take it.. i think this will become the mark of the beast revelation 13 speaks about.. hereis the article: .
In other words you live in a very small country where the citizens are dependent on the government, where you pay unconscionably high taxes for little return and where you have no real personal freedoms. Yup, America-envy at work