Her video is to the point and funny as heck. Amen, Sister.
Posts by vienne
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Adam & Eve: Perfect but not everlasting life?
by pixel inso i was watching annual meeting.
towards the end of jackson’s talk, he says: .
“perfection doesn’t automatically means someone will get everlasting life.
Okay, I'm confused. Isn't the Watchtower's teaching that Adam and Eve, once they proved faithful, were to be granted "everlasting life" but not immortality?
And in light of the grain and first fruits offerings mandated in the Law Covenant would not Yahweh's rejection of Cain's sacrifice be on grounds other than its nature. The verses note a difference between the two brothers' offerings. Able gave from the "first fruits" but Cain only "some of" his vegies. When God addresses Cain, he does not say, "Sorry Bud, but you should have offered something else." Instead he comments on Cain's mental health, his attitudes.
Am I wrong?
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Watching the Evans scandal unfold is like being at an airshow and watching a jet crash. You can't take your eyes off of it, but you don't want to see it either.
He brought this on himself. He deserves all the negative comments. But speculation really doesn't help.
As S.B.F. notes above, Croatia is a very small country. JW statistics are:
- 4,082,000—Population
- 4,815—Ministers who teach the Bible
- 57—Congregations
- 1 to 856—Ratio of Jehovah’s Witnesses to population.
Apparently there are few elders. So no surprise that they called in someone from the WT branch office. Until there is a firmly established alternative reason, what do we benefit from speculation?
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Not relevant to this discussion, maybe. But if I saw Evans on the street with his stringy, unwashed hair, fat face, and otherwise unkempt appearance, I'd think him homeless and eating the high starch foods some soup kitchens serve. And I'd wonder which of the many mental health issues common to the homeless he has.
An observation more to the point: Posting a video from some years past that is as irrational and stupid as the more recent ones from your camera does not further your argument. Some anti-Witness video makers should put more thought into what they purvey.
Finding every small bit of Watchtower news sensational is moronic. It is not persuasive. Sensationalism marks one as irrational. Consider the videos about the NWT court case, a case that's been thrown out of court at least twice, maybe three times, and that hasn't a "snowball's chance in hell" of moving forward. Yet, we have youtube videos that present it with glee. Why? That you made one and excitedly presented it marks you as irrelevant.
This isn't my fight exactly. The seeds of my Master's Thesis come from my mom's notes on mid 20th Century Witness history. They include observations on disaffected members. I will include some of that in my Thesis. So I watch the anti videos. I try to put myself in the place of a disfellowshiped person. Hard to do. But I know I would not be persuaded by most of the videos I see on youtube. They're like a gossip fest where everyone badmouths Jennifer Matilda Whatshername, because she's smarter, prettier than others, and drives a nicer car. Get to the point, Vid Makers, and make it a good one.
Where do we go from here, the Lloyd-gate?
by raymond frantz inthe problem is where do we go from here?
lloyd is not going to go away , he has too much to loose(money) neither will his followers go as we have seen the last few days there was hardly a drop to his membership .so what's next?
we will be branded in the same colours and because of him we won't be taken seriously anymore.
I'm talking to those few supporters Lloyd has here, especially those that down vote any comments that question Lloyd's behavior.
Scandal and infighting has new article on the drawing board
by RULES & REGULATIONS in'brothers, we now have the xjw community on the ropes.
a scandal and infighting among the xjw community has given us new vigor against these ''mentally diseased apostates.
'' due to legal reasons, we will not name the person.
Lloyd fits the Watchtower's description of "mentally diseased." Sad, isn't it?
Where do we go from here, the Lloyd-gate?
by raymond frantz inthe problem is where do we go from here?
lloyd is not going to go away , he has too much to loose(money) neither will his followers go as we have seen the last few days there was hardly a drop to his membership .so what's next?
we will be branded in the same colours and because of him we won't be taken seriously anymore.
I've tried to be polite through this. Evans admitted to almost everything. Now it's false? He's a jerk. If you follow him, you're following a mental defective, someone with a personality disorder who wouldn't recognize 'truth' if it was tattooed on his right hand.
His videos, even at their best [which isn't much] were often trivial and distorted the trivial simply to make a video. Shame on him. Shame on you for continuing to support him. The enemy of your enemy may seem to be a likely friend, but that is often not a truism.
I'm not a Witness and have never been one, as most of you know. I watch the anti-sect and anti-Witness videos. You have men who can't comb their hair; you have some who have noticeable mental health issues. You have many who discovered the flaws in Witness theology after they were disfellowshipped. And the why of their expulsion is an open question. You have a 'housewife' or three desperate to discredit the Watchtower over anything, serious or not. Some comb through seventy, eighty, 100 year old literature just to find something, anything. You have a cos-playing man who thinks of himself as an intellectual, but who cannot keep his discourse civil and whose grammar falls into the trash bin the more excited he becomes. One who tries to imitate big time broadcasters, but who often seems befuddled. You have a pair who make videos in front of books, quoting from some of them. But the intellectualism implied by owning many books is, in their case, fakery. You have some who flaunt their moral issues. Most anti-Witness videos are irrational turn-offs.
Evans? He's a bump in the road who deserved to be discredited. He'll come back. He must for his own 'well being.' His personality disorders demand it. The question is, will you still listen? Gift him with money? [insert a big shrug and sigh here.]
Where are the serious, thoughtful videos? I can't find any.
JW’s and Charity Organizations
by longgone ini was wondering if anyone is aware of the jw’s in general being involved financially and/or as volunteers in charity organizations?
i was a born in jw for 56 years and left in 2016. as far as i remember there was never any encouragement to help in the community in any way.
including soup kitchens, tutoring at schools, united way, etc.
My grand uncle volunteered as a medical coordinator for several international adoption and child care agencies. But what the general Witness view is, I do not know.
by Rattigan350 inquestion for former elders:.
how much of your time was spent quelling gossip and rumors floating around.
i'm not talking about csa type stuff, just regular insignficant stuff that people occupied their time over..
I'm not a Witness, certainly never an elder. But I have uncles who are both. So I asked. Uniform answer was that harmless personal talk is not worth an Elder's attention. Harmful gossip, that is untrue and harms someone's reputation is worth an Elder's personal attention.
For what it's worth, that's their answer.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Except for a few diehards whose behaviors match his, Evans has become irrelevant. Not that he was ever anything but a nit-picking irreverence anyway. Time to flush the toilet.