I am Spock Kinda thought I would be! ;)
JoinedPosts by Nikita
Take the Quiz - Which Star Trek Character Are You?
by Alleymom inmy family's been having a lot of fun with this!
"We all scream...."
by seahart innow that we have entered the hot season, my question is what is your flavor of choice when it comes to ice cream.
i have to say for me there is nothing better than a premium vanilla.
sounds boring, oh no.
Breyers Coffee and Rita's Watermelon Italian Ice (there isn't a Rita's anywhere near me! )
Night Owl or Early Bird?
by damselfly ini can't sleep, i'm usually up until 2 (or later) every night.......then the alarm goes off at 6:30 and i'm up to start my day.
i find that i'm more alert and productive in the night time, however i am sooo tired of not being able to sleep.
so how about you, night owl or early bird?
Night Owl.
Picture of Mouthy Granny Grace
by mouthys_gdaughter ini'm mouthy's grand daughter... she emailed me and said y'all wanna see a picture of what she looks like.
in order to do that i had to sign up.
i hope she doesn't mind ;)
Love the pictures what a beautiful great-grandaughter you have!!
High School Prom
by Larry ingreetings folks - it's been a while since i posted anything.
the other day i was talking to my daughter about her prom - dress, limo, etc....and it dawned on me that i never went to my prom.
obviously being a jdub was a big reason why i didn't go or had any desire to go.
From a post I made a few years ago:
One of the things I longed to do as a teen was attend a prom. I dreamed of one of my jw "crushes" asking me, but it never happened. But, I did have an old school acquaintance ask me in Senior high. I had known him since 3rd grade and in fact in the 3rd grade he was my "boyfriend." He was a sweet guy. I went to Phila. High School fro Girls he went to Central High (for boys) right down the street from me. So we often ran into one another at the bus stop.
I was totally stunned when he asked me to his prom! But, as you can imagine, being a good JW gal, I had my nice pat answer for him, "Well, I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and as such, I don't believe in dating someone unless I might be ready for marriage."
I can still hear myself saying those words! I can still see the look in his eyes-was it a look of disappointment/hurt/disbelief that someone he'd thought he'd known could render such a reply? It is a sad memory for me and this time of year gets me to thinking about him. I know he is a grown man now with perhaps a family of his own, but in my mind, he is still that 18 year-old sweet, nice-looking fella who I turned down.
Leslie aka Nikita
Dr Phil - Mennonites/Hutterites - brainwashing
by Scully indid anyone see the last 2 episodes of dr phil concerning the abduction of two girls by their father into the remote mennonite communities in belize?.
it was interesting to hear dr phil describe the girls' affect as being "flat" and that something just wasn't right.
the mother believes the girls have been brainwashed into the "plain" lifestyle.
I saw Part 2 today but missed the 1st part. I felt like some kind of connection was lacking emotionally with them towards their mom. I hope that because they are still young they will be able to re-assimilate given some time and distance from the influence of their father.
High School Graduation
by Jim_TX inokay - since larry isn't gonna ask it... i will.. did you attend your high school graduation?
cap & gown stuff - the whole nine yards?.
it wasn't even a consideration, either.. heck... i wasn't allowed to go to senior 'honors' night - where i was elected to receive some sort of recognition.
I missed out on my high school grad. not because I was told I shouldn't attend simply because it was a high school grad, but rather because it occured the same week as our DC and I felt as if I should put that first. I think I even got baptized during the same DC! I was a self-righteous 18 year old back then. I remember my principal trying her best to talk me out of my decision "you'll regret it," she said.
I really do regret it.
What kind of house would you like to have?
by averyniceguy ini would like to have a very big and very nice hot whirlpool tub inside the house.
what kind of house would you like to have?
I want Country Girl's home BUT with hired help to go with it!!
I left!!!!
by Hawkeye inthis is my first posting on jwd!
i wrote out my disassociation letter.
i am sending many in the congregation copies of my letters exposing the fine "elders".
WELCOME Hawkeye!!!! Good for you!!!
Enjoy your new life!
I want a refund . . .
by cruzanheart inafter reading all those threads and articles about how much money the wtbts has squirreled away and invested and after volunteering to serve birthday cupcakes and punch at a homeless shelter run by the combined efforts of first presbyterian church and first methodist in downtown dallas, i have decided that i want my money back.. i want back every single cent that i ever contributed to that jabba the hut of an organization that just sits on its money and never uses a penny of it to benefit its members or the rest of humanity.
i want back the $10,000 that my dad "loaned" the society in the 1970's that they -- 10 years later -- strongly suggested he just give to them to save them the trouble of writing a check.. i want to be paid for the 13 years of regular pioneer service that i wasted on that organization.
let's see, at roughly 100 hours a month (that's what the requirement was back then), 1200 hours a year times 13 + 15,600. hmmm, okay, i'll take minimum wage for it -- isn't that $6.50 an hour now?
Ha and I want my own home on some deserted island in the Caribbean, too!!
Just having some fun!