I will also say this. Nobody ever born on this earth, was born wanting to be hated, disliked, or wanting to hate other people. Hate is such a cruel thing. The verse I cited in 2 Peter brings me back down when someone angers me, because even the ancient of days doesn't revel in the destruction of others, so why should I have a destructive hatred towards others. I try to teach this to people at work through my actions and words. Thats why I love the ex jw community and after a few years decided to join a forum like this. Because I've only met one malicious apostate in my life. All the others really care about the ones still in and hope for a safe exit from the corruption while they still have time, much like I see God's view on us in 2 Peter. Messiah said you are my deciples if you have love amongst yourselves. Theres a lot of love within communities like this one, that reach out with love for the ones still left behind. And nicolaous: if I see where you are going with this let me explain. After a few years, me and my brother raised ourselves. Its not just parents that raise children. It's teachers, it's people in churches and teacher/friends at school and strangers met over social media. Its whatever influences them to make a choice with a free thinking mind at any age. That five year old I mentioned before, back in the 89s or 9os, murdered a 3 year old cold blood because he could. Theres been teenagers murder their friends because they simply didn't want to be friends with them anymore, instead of taking the time to say, you know, "hey Debbie, listen were gonna stop being your friend because we just aren't clicking anymore". And there is many instances of atrocities that I won't comment due to the community guidelines that young people have committed at many different various ages.. its truly insane but thats just the kind of world we live in.. no age is left out for the opportunity to do bad things.. look at how young some kids are when they get caught up in gangs in the projects in bigger cities. I know grown men whove slung ice on the streets since they were ten because of what influenced them when they were that age.. its all about background and environment. I'm not placing blame on children necessarily, but at what point should the child start taking responsibility and listening to morals and to conscience?
Children to me is a broad spectrum because it goes from infant to almost any age.. in my experiance not far past someone's 30s. There are people like my brother-in-law who are in their 20s who are children because they still act like children. I'm nearly isolating instances where the children made thjer own free choices based on who was around to influence them without the ability to weigh thier morals properly. Every person around a child in thier days of being reared do in fact raise them in one way or another. Even who's on the TV and music. So when I say a child is only as innocent as the person raising them, with this above explanation, I hope this clears up any anger I may have raised in you, but I stand by my statement and still would never pray for anyone's destruction, let alone a child