I left before I had kids or married, but the mindset was still there. I'm shitty at holidays and birthdays. I have a distance with people. I'm skeptical and cynical and still, against my own conscience, I am judgemental. YET I have the inclination to be the devils advocate in many situations. No cognitive dissonance here!
That has affected my family life and relationships detrimentally.
I'm not much fun. I really regret that my upbringing turned that switch off in me. That hurt my kids the most and doubtless my husbands lives also.
I'm sorry that the OP and so many others were affected. Our responses are based in our own life experiences and family. I have other ex JW family members with worse mental health and family cicumstances, but who all adored their entire extended step/half siblings. I wish I understood people. I am so developmentally delayed in relationships!