This is the link to the Memorandum of Law in the Hines v. Watchtower CSA case filed last Friday 2/11/22.
It is the WT lawyers reply in the trial where Deborah Hines accuses WT hierarchy even Governing Body members of continuing to employ a known child abuser, her own dad, at Bethel because he was indispensable to them in video-production.
The slimy WT excuses start on page 7 of 28 where, as far as my non-legally mind can understand, the WT lawyers say the Governing Body can't get sued because they're not a corporation, nor are they mandated reporters of abuse, meaning they don't have to say anything by law even if they know a crime has occurred.
The slimy WT lawyers are also pretty good at playing with words to hide the fact that the Governing Body does run the business of the Watchtower but from behind the scenes. In effect they're exposing the operation of the WT "business" to resemble a Mafia type operation, where the top head wiseguys run things and hide behind their incorporated entities although they themselves aren't incorporated, well that is not since they stepped away back in 2001 from being the "Directors" of the corporations they continue to have total say over. The Governing Body aren't incorporated, no, because they're very slimy and disgusting mob bosses.
You can find all the PDF documents in the case at:
Document List (