I second what cofty states. How sad to lose out on life on such a stupid policy.
Very sorry for your loss.
today has been a horrible day.
what began as a day of joy finding out that one of my lifelong friends had her baby, turned into a nightmare when her brother called me to let me know she had passed away after birth.
i was in shock and didn't ask how.
I second what cofty states. How sad to lose out on life on such a stupid policy.
Very sorry for your loss.
so i was thinking the other day that the wt corp has produced thousands of books over the years.
although the writers have changed the style is almost always the same.
however, some books are just worse than others.
I laugh every time I try to read the "Imitate their Faith" book.
What a piece of trash.
i've always found it amazing that people can say with such conviction that jehovah is their friend.. we are talking about a "friend" who perhaps daily "tests" us to see if we are his friends.
all of us have dealt with some form of hardship such as the death of a loved one, chronic illness or whatever.
it is in these cases that the brothers will tell a person that perhaps it is a test, or that "jehovah knows you're not ready" or some other lame excuse.. do our real friends "test" us to see if we will be loyal to them?
One older single sister said "we need to more than love Jehovah we should be madly in love with him!" talk about a cringeworthy moment.
There is an older sister that I know who says the same thing. She would often in her comments say how "when she fell in love with Jehovah" and then some nonsensical dribble would follow. 💩 Can make just about anyone awake run for a barf bag.
A brother as well as others told my wife and I that the personal tragedy we experienced last year were perhaps because God knew that we couldn't handle the responsibility being the big A was sooooooo close.
I can see why so many refuse to believe in God after hearing that a few times.
i've always found it amazing that people can say with such conviction that jehovah is their friend.. we are talking about a "friend" who perhaps daily "tests" us to see if we are his friends.
all of us have dealt with some form of hardship such as the death of a loved one, chronic illness or whatever.
it is in these cases that the brothers will tell a person that perhaps it is a test, or that "jehovah knows you're not ready" or some other lame excuse.. do our real friends "test" us to see if we will be loyal to them?
I've always found it amazing that people can say with such conviction that Jehovah is their friend.
We are talking about a "friend" who perhaps daily "tests" us to see if we are His friends. All of us have dealt with some form of hardship such as the death of a loved one, chronic illness or whatever. It is in these cases that the brothers will tell a person that perhaps it is a test, or that "Jehovah knows you're not ready" or some other lame excuse.
Do our real friends "test" us to see if we will be loyal to them? If you had a friend who "tested" you on a weekly or even daily basis, would you remain friends with that person? No. So why make friends with an insane, invisible psychopath who allows all manner of suffering on His friends?
end rant.
it's amazing how the expression "the truth" has become such an ingrained term used by witnesses.. "we have 'the truth'".
"is he 'in the truth'?".
most here have found out so many facts about the organisation, and felt the effects of being "gut-punched" as we realised these facts.. so how do you feel about the expression "the truth" now?.
Honestly the term makes me want to barf. After finding out "The Truth" is nothing but lies, I really can't stand hearing that term.
The name Jehovah too makes me want to hit something.
I really hate the Org.
do i ever learn!
that when they say this is an 'improved' model it never is!.
i downloaded windows 10 and it wiped out my emails and the email account... oh joy.. i have since removed the 10. arrgh!
I downloaded Win10 when it came out as a free upgrade and so far it's been ok.
2 issues I have are my aspect ratio gets enlarged upon waking from sleep.
The only other problem is many times the computer doesn't wake up properly and I have to force restart.
Mother than that it runs ok. Games run smoother and Bluetooth works properly.
My favorite bible version is when reverted back to its original form, a tree.
NIV and NRSV are two pretty solid translations.
when i think about where i am at now in my life, in my marriage, with my kids.
why did i get involved with this cult?
i have brought out the cult personality in my wife and there no turning her back.
I echo the words of those who have already commented. Chin up and do positive things with your wife. Plan a weekend getaway, buy her flowers unexpectedly, buy her a small gift for no reason at all. Plan little things every once in a while as a family that will make them miss a meeting here and there.
My wife sounds an awful lot like your except we don't have kids yet. She is open now but it takes time.
Sadly though some may never wake up so just be prepared to deal with that. Remember all the stories the Borg says of unbelieving mates who years later came into the truth? Well your story may be the opposite. It just takes time.
this is my first post here (not being comments) but i still have to tell my story but for that i need to get my mind together in other to give as much detail as possible to be able to share it.
will do in a future post.. anyway i had to share this.. so i went out on service this morning (i never do i always end up excusing myself because i hate field service) reason i did was to see what the new c.o had to say and he sure did say something.
he was saying what we had to present and he went over the watchtower magazine.
You can NEVER do anything right according to the JW cult. Enough is never enough! I remember hearing, "if you go out in field service for 2 hours, can you do 2 and a half hours. If you can do 2 and a half hours, could you do 3?" Ugh!!!
Thats funny. The brothers at our hall tries similar tactics. Ours is the lowest per hour average in the circuit so the C.O. just loves us!(sarcasm)
Anyways the remedy was to make the afternoon field service group meet at 1pm instead of 12:30. This was supposed to impel the friends to stay out an extra half hour. Instead, people still quit at noon and now nobody shows for afternoon service.LOL!!
i intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.