I think the overall problem is that most JW's have pudding for brains.
If their brain had a face it would look like this:
2016 april presentation videos... 1. https://we.tl/thuzl9l3y6.
.. 2. https://we.tl/rahu5ar64d.
.. 3. https://we.tl/2wzjvg4su8.
I think the overall problem is that most JW's have pudding for brains.
If their brain had a face it would look like this:
2016 april presentation videos... 1. https://we.tl/thuzl9l3y6.
.. 2. https://we.tl/rahu5ar64d.
.. 3. https://we.tl/2wzjvg4su8.
So realistic.😳
I can't imagine people in the audience actually believing that those crappy presentations would work.
Its more like:
JW: Hello. How are you today?
HH: "Shuts door"
JW: "sighs"
i swear i must have bad luck or just happen to be in the wrong place at the right time or maybe i'm just blowing this out of proportion.. so the other night my wife and i are packing the car to head home from vacation in the smokeys in tennessee when i get the brilliant idea to take out the garbage at 9:30 at night.
i walk in the dark to the caged garbage can with a flashlight, put the trash away and walk back to the house.
afterward i decide to load up the car.
By the way talk with in-laws went good. For now I told them I am no longer an Elder because of events from last year. I didn't get into great detail about how they have been lied to their whole life and that Watchtower IS Satan himself. Just going to do a little at a time.
i swear i must have bad luck or just happen to be in the wrong place at the right time or maybe i'm just blowing this out of proportion.. so the other night my wife and i are packing the car to head home from vacation in the smokeys in tennessee when i get the brilliant idea to take out the garbage at 9:30 at night.
i walk in the dark to the caged garbage can with a flashlight, put the trash away and walk back to the house.
afterward i decide to load up the car.
The guy obviously had explosive diarrhea. I mean it looked like the urinal was hit with a shit grenade. The smell was incredible. No so bad that I couldn't eat my sammich though.
I just hope it wasn't the cook that did it. 😥
i swear i must have bad luck or just happen to be in the wrong place at the right time or maybe i'm just blowing this out of proportion.. so the other night my wife and i are packing the car to head home from vacation in the smokeys in tennessee when i get the brilliant idea to take out the garbage at 9:30 at night.
i walk in the dark to the caged garbage can with a flashlight, put the trash away and walk back to the house.
afterward i decide to load up the car.
Well looking at it that way maybe your right lol. Not sure what to tell the in-laws. I don't think the child molestation talk will go over good but they are going to want to know why I'm no longer serving. Thinking of doing the "don't trust God" card for now. Hopefully that pleases them for the time being.
Love the video Stan!😂
i swear i must have bad luck or just happen to be in the wrong place at the right time or maybe i'm just blowing this out of proportion.. so the other night my wife and i are packing the car to head home from vacation in the smokeys in tennessee when i get the brilliant idea to take out the garbage at 9:30 at night.
i walk in the dark to the caged garbage can with a flashlight, put the trash away and walk back to the house.
afterward i decide to load up the car.
I swear I must have bad luck or just happen to be in the wrong place at the right time or maybe I'm just blowing this out of proportion.
So the other night my wife and I are packing the car to head home from vacation in the Smokeys in Tennessee when I get the brilliant idea to take out the garbage at 9:30 at night.
I walk in the dark to the caged garbage can with a flashlight, put the trash away and walk back to the house. Afterward I decide to load up the car. As I'm bringing the case of wine we bought to the car I see this big black thing out of the corner of my eye. Its a friggin black bear!!!!😳 He was about 10 feet away!!! I nearly crapped myself as he looked at me as if I had a treat for him or something. Long story short he finally walked back down the driveway and tried to get in the trash. There was no sign of him in the morning so that was good but my silly wife wanted nothing more than to get pics of the thing.
Now the next morning we are all packed and ready to go. We decide to hit Burger King in Severville to grab ourselves a sammich. Well I gotta take care of the morning business. Thing is there is only one stall and one urinal in this particular bathroom. So I'm in there doing stuff when a guy walks in. He sees that the toilet is occupied and he sounded like he wanted in. I said I'll be out in a minute.
Well the guy leaves. So I'm thinking maybe he's waiting outside. 30 seconds later he comes back in. I hear him kinda lingering, then the urinal flush, then he hurried out. "Ok. Maybe he took a wiz and left", I thought. NO!!!! He unloaded his ass in the urinal!!!!!😷😷💩💩.
I've always thought it would be funny to take a dump in a urinal but guess what? It ain't funny at all. Gross!!
Guys at work got a kick out of it though and they are mad I didn't take a selfie with it.😬
Anyways end rant. Tonight we talk to the in laws about our "spiritual condition". That ought to be a blast. They are deep in and they still think I'm an Elder. Should be interesting.
the new wt 2013 june tells kids that they might get to study with a pirate someday!
perhaps johnny depp will be resurrected for just that purpose?.
this is the way many of us feel no doubt: feeling like we have been betrayed by a faith that has hidden so much from its believers, and covered up some serious past and present teachings and practices.. and yet, we are the ones treated with disdain, contempt or suspicion due to fading from activity!.
simply amazing that we have had to make a conscious decision to stand up for what is right and not be a part of the organisation for genuine and sincere reasons.
and yet they slander us, malign us and make us look like the ones with the problem!.
saw this while browsing through the good news brochure:.
is it any wonder people aren't listening to jws anymore?
what an absolutely delusional scene!
saw this while browsing through the good news brochure:.
is it any wonder people aren't listening to jws anymore?
what an absolutely delusional scene!