JoinedPosts by cappytan
FMF Rant on Abuse and JW Apologists: The Single Root of the Whole Issue(s)
by freemindfade infor the jw apologists, they debate certain factors to down play all the recent sex abuse information in the jehovah's witness organization.
and there is so much focus on "two witness rule" and "parents can report" the "elders aren't legal authorities" and many other smoke screen issues.
a lot of these issues and discussion are down stream from what i believe to be the root of the issue.
Spot on. -
This is getting more and more disgusting: "JW Abuse Victim Told to Bottle Her Tears"
by cappytan init took six years and three trials before a senior official in the jehovah's witness church was jailed for sexually abusing his daughter.. the only support the jehovah's witnesses gave the woman was to tell her to" put her tears in a skin bottle".. .
I'm trying to find the original article I read this in. The first article I read this quote in was on my phone early this morning. Apparently, the victim had written the branch, and this was their response back.
This wasn't the Elders telling her to "put her tears in a skin bottle." It was the actual branch.
Governing Body, painted in a corner, now what?
by Wasanelder Once inthe governing body have painted themselves in a corner, so to speak.
if they acknowledge their response to abuse claims was insensitive, unloving and inadequate they are denying the belief that "god's way" is best and risk losing abuse cases.
if they stick with it and say it is "god's way according to the bible" they will be seen as cult leaders and risk losing abuse cases.
They already responded in advance to this.
From the July Broadcast:
While we cannot control everything that an individual might say, it is clear that over the decades protecting children from abuse is a top priority for this organization. We are proud of our reputation in this regard and we look forward to the time in God's new world when no one, young or old, will ever again be a victim of abuse.
That will be their spin. That this didn't occur because of organizational was individuals not following direction.
Even though we know that to be false, that's how they will spin it.
Are they trying to make me feel like crap?
by StarTrekAngel inso i have not reported a single hour of fs or family worship in over 8 months.
have not given a single comment in a meeting for over a year.
a few weeks ago, my brother in law, who is an ms now, approached me.
And THIS is why I stepped down from the school recently. -
This is getting more and more disgusting: "JW Abuse Victim Told to Bottle Her Tears"
by cappytan init took six years and three trials before a senior official in the jehovah's witness church was jailed for sexually abusing his daughter.. the only support the jehovah's witnesses gave the woman was to tell her to" put her tears in a skin bottle".. .
It took six years and three trials before a senior official in the Jehovah's Witness Church was jailed for sexually abusing his daughter.
The only support the Jehovah's Witnesses gave the woman was to tell her to" put her tears in a skin bottle".
Anthony Morris III goes on an eight minute rant over child abuse
by Richard_I inthis is in the july 2015 monthly program on cedars wrote about it too.. starting at around 42:30 in the video, morris talks about the child abuse situation for almost 10 minutes.
link to video.
i'm writing a transcript right now.
Bumping this to the top because, relevant.
The spin in the July Broadcast is "enlightening" in light of this week's Royal Commission hearing.
Key quotes:
Prior to that time, many governmental, educational, and religious organizations were somewhat naive about the magnitude and the complexity of the situation. Others knew of the problem and covered it up.
these books, want any? if not they go in the trash
by sowhatnow inworldwide security under the prince of peacegods eternal purpose now triumphinglife does have a purpose babylon the great has fallen gods kingdom rulesyou can live forever on a paradise earththe secret to family happinessdid man get here by evolution of creationlet your kingdom comechoosing the best way of lifecommentary on the letter of jamesi have one of each.. the bible gods word or mansis the bible really the word of godsurvival into a new earthknowledge that leads to everlasting lifereasoningunited in worshipholy spirit the force behind the coming new orderthe two babylon'sparadise lost originalyou can live forever on a paradise earth first large print edition 1982 revelation book 1988 large print.
Where have you been looking for the past 5 years, it’s been on ex-witnesses radar since then in PDF. Your God Raymond Franz the self proclaimed prophet. He figured if Joseph Smith could do it, why couldn’t he, but then again, you would have to have known his motives back then like us real people that knew about he's immorality. - SimonSays
This is one of the sheep that thinks Raymond Franz wrote the Commentary on James.
Get informed: it was written by Ed Dunlap.
1,000 sex abuse cases hidden in Australia for 68,000 publishers...what is it worldwide?
by cappytan inthe press is reporting that over 1,000 cases of abuse were hidden from authorities in australia.. australia has around 68,000 publishers.. if you that ratio applied to the u.s. also, there could be over 14,700 cases that were covered up here.. if the ratio held the same worldwide, that would be over 117,600 cases.. just let that sink in a little..
The press is reporting that over 1,000 cases of abuse were hidden from authorities in Australia.
Australia has around 68,000 publishers.
If you that ratio applied to the U.S. also, there could be over 14,700 cases that were covered up here.
If the ratio held the same worldwide, that would be over 117,600 cases.
Just let that sink in a little.
Youtube Video Of the Royal Commission
by Lemonp in68min of grilling.
so many highlights.
love seeing the hears grinding as they are asked questions... you can see the conflict in their mind as they weigh the .org's response vs the right one to make.
Is there an actual YouTube link?
DDI'm with DATA-DOG...I was expecting a YouTube link. Am I missing something?
Circuit Overseer Removed in Texas
by James Jack ina friend at the convention told me that kenneth williams, a co in the houston texas area was recently removed and taken off the road.
does any one have any details?
There are quite a few that are being put out to pasture due to turning 70 or are older already. Tom Chin is one of these who has given all his life from infancy on and is now getting thrown under the bus. The guy is in better shape than I am and soldiers on like he was only 45. But rules are rules no matter who in the GB 2.0 pulls them out of their own ar$e.
Is that the same Tom Chin that was at Patterson Bethel?