Just got done talking with a friend of mine. Her family are still in.
Here's what she said her mom's reaction was to the video: "I'm never giving them another dime."
i know there are many posts discussing the may money requesting televangalism...er... broadcast i mean!
but i wanted to start one where anyone can put what they have heard any non-exjw, non-apostate witnesses say good or bad about the broadcast.
i don't see how it can't rattle followers... but then again i might be surprised how they can twist things (2+2=5).
Just got done talking with a friend of mine. Her family are still in.
Here's what she said her mom's reaction was to the video: "I'm never giving them another dime."
has anyone in the united states ever successfully gotten their publisher records from the society?
i hadn't seen this posted here yet.. source via wifibandit on exjw subreddit.. what are your thoughts/comments on this?.
For those of you on mobile:
Should publishers make extensive use of the Internet to witness to or to study with strangers living in another country?
Some publishers have used the Internet to obtain Bible studies in lands where our work is restricted or where there are few publish- ers. In some cases, good results have been achieved. However, there are dangers when publishers participate in e-mail exchanges or chat room discussions with strangers. (See the July 2007 Our Kingdom Ministry, p. 3.) While the intent is to reach honesthearted ones with the Kingdom message, such dis- cussions may lead a brother or a sister into contact with bad association, including apos- tates. (1 Cor. 1:19-25; Col. 2:8) Furthermore, in lands where the Kingdom work is restrict- ed or under ban, correspondence might be monitored by the authorities. Such commu- nication could endanger the local brothers and sisters. Therefore, publishers should not go online to seek out people from another country with whom to share the good news.
Unless directed otherwise by the local branch office, if we witness informally to a stranger who is visiting from another coun- try, we should not try to cultivate his in-
terest after he returns home. Instead, we can show him how he can use jw.org to obtain additional information or how he can con- tact the local branch office. We can also en- courage him to visit a Kingdom Hall near his home. Of course, there are no Kingdom Halls in some countries. If he wishes to be visit- ed by Witnesses from his area, we should fill out a Please Follow Up (S-43) form and give it to the secretary, who will forward it using jw.org. The branch office that oversees the work in the country where the interested per- son lives is familiar with the unique circum- stances there and will be in the best position to provide spiritual help.—See the June 2014 Our Kingdom Ministry, p. 7, and the Novem- ber 2011 Our Kingdom Ministry, p. 2.
If a person we are currently calling on moves to another country or if we are cur- rently studying with a person in another land whom we know only through the Inter- net, we should follow the direction outlined above. However, we may continue to culti- vate the interest until the person is contact- ed by the local publishers. Nevertheless, if he lives in a land where our work is restrict- ed or banned, great caution should be used when Bible topics are discussed by letter, tele- phone, or electronic means.—Matt. 10:16.
Perry: Where'd y'all go this year?
We went to the meeting. lol
i hadn't seen this posted here yet.. source via wifibandit on exjw subreddit.. what are your thoughts/comments on this?.
Oops. I did a search, didn't see it.
i hadn't seen this posted here yet.. source via wifibandit on exjw subreddit.. what are your thoughts/comments on this?.
I hadn't seen this posted here yet.
Source via wifibandit on exJW subreddit.
What are your thoughts/comments on this?
i'm quite interested in knowing the average age of those of us who use this forum.
i made a quick strawpoll that you can find at the following link: http://strawpoll.me/4340636 just pick an age and click "vote" if you wish to participate.. admins: if this breaks any rules, i apologize in advance..
However, the straw poll shows that the majority of the respondents (lurkers or not) are definitely over 40.
It likewise shows the majority are under 50. lol
Don't you love statistics?
SoCal101: My dad refused to allow my brother to play the drums because it was "not a musical instrument"!
I'll have to remember that excuse when my kid wants to play the drums.
I, personally, would refuse to allow him to.
Not because of some religion, but because I don't want the racket in my house.
i'm quite interested in knowing the average age of those of us who use this forum.
i made a quick strawpoll that you can find at the following link: http://strawpoll.me/4340636 just pick an age and click "vote" if you wish to participate.. admins: if this breaks any rules, i apologize in advance..
there is a huge difference between been religious and been spiritual.
been religious is about been superior to others in the sight of god.
however, been spiritual is about self awareness, inner peace and unity with the natural world.