JoinedPosts by cappytan
By “evolution,” we mean “macroevolution”—apes turning into humans, for example.
by FadingTruth inaugust 2015 awake .
quote in title taken from article footnote.. anyone have information on who gene hwang and yan-der hsuuw in the article are?.
why do they repeatedly state that apes turned to humans when that's not what evolutionists teach at all?.
James Brown: That picture is still consistent with the modern day theory of evolution. Each step on that scale is a slice of time over millions of years. -
By “evolution,” we mean “macroevolution”—apes turning into humans, for example.
by FadingTruth inaugust 2015 awake .
quote in title taken from article footnote.. anyone have information on who gene hwang and yan-der hsuuw in the article are?.
why do they repeatedly state that apes turned to humans when that's not what evolutionists teach at all?.
I can't believe they f*cking quoted RICHARD EFFING DAWKINS in this article!
The “words” and “sentences” in DNA make up the various “recipes” that direct the production of proteins and other substances that form the building blocks of the various cells that make up the body. For example, the “recipe” might guide the production of bone cells, muscle cells, nerve cells, or skin cells. “The filament of DNA is information, a message written in a code of chemicals, one chemical for each letter,” wrote evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins. “It is almost too good to be true, but the code turns out to be written in a way that we can understand.”
WHAT THE HELL? They're quoting him to support their lie that complexity means a creator!
"Macroevolution" - where did the term come from? (Calling Coftey, et. al.)
by cappytan inis macroevolution a word made up by evolutionary scientists and darwinists, or did creationists come up with that word?.
because, from my understanding, there is no such thing as macroevolution.
an ape didn't give birth to a human, for instance.
Is Macroevolution a word made up by evolutionary scientists and darwinists, or did creationists come up with that word?
Because, from my understanding, there is no such thing as Macroevolution. An ape didn't give birth to a human, for instance. It was all gradual and microevolution.
By “evolution,” we mean “macroevolution”—apes turning into humans, for example.
by FadingTruth inaugust 2015 awake .
quote in title taken from article footnote.. anyone have information on who gene hwang and yan-der hsuuw in the article are?.
why do they repeatedly state that apes turned to humans when that's not what evolutionists teach at all?.
From that same article:
Is Evolution a Scientific Theory?
What qualifies a theory as a scientific theory? According to theEncyclopedia of Scientific Principles, Laws, and Theories, a scientific theory, such as Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity, must
Be observable
Be reproducible by controlled experiments
Make accurate predictions
In that light, where does evolution stand? * Its operation cannot be observed. It cannot be reproduced. And it cannot make accurate predictions. Can evolution even be considered a scientific hypothesis? The same encyclopedia defines a hypothesis as “a more tentative observation of facts [than a theory],” yet lends itself “to deductions that can be experimentally tested.”
Wow... Look at that last paragraph.
"Its operation cannot be observed." Wrong, the fossil record shows how it operates.
"It cannot be reproduced." Well, neither can gravity. We haven't been able to make artificial gravity, yet it's still scientifically sound and accurate.
"It cannot make accurate predictions." Well, yeah, because evolution isn't a person that predicts things. However, scientists can accurately predict how things will evolve depending on the environment you subject them to. For instance, if Kevin Costner's Waterworld were to actually happen, Humans might eventually evolve into several different species of whale-like mammals, although not exactly like whales.
WT started using the internet in 1997, brother said
by StarTrekAngel inso brohter (not elder or anything but many years active) had to give talk this week.
talk related to how jehovah gives abilities to people thru the spirit.
started off with the mention of how god told moises to build the tent and gave people the abilities to work wood, stone, etc.
I believe there is a few brothers like that in every KH. One old brother told me once that the Watchtower invented the internet. OK..............
Al Gore is a Jehovah's Witness?
California Supreme Court Case - S226656
by Gayle in bible and tract.
started 5/27/2015.
Boo yeah...actually glad they're appealing.
Streisand effect.
Also, Supreme Court could reverse the "duty to warn" decision.
New Watchtower-- the End is coming in our lifetime again now??
by FusionTheism inthey just posted the simplified august study watchtower on paragraph 11 of the "expectation!
" article says this:.
"so even if we feel that we have been waiting a long time, this does not mean that the end is far away or that it is not coming in our lifetime.".
I hate these a-hole false prophecies! They e been doing it forever!
by Jonathan Drake inif you are a current practitioner of some religious faith i would appreciate it if you abstained from this thread entirely.
im curious if anyone has had what could be discribed as a spiritual experience.
i'm currently reading sam harris book waking up and it's very good so far.
Here is an interesting article by Sam Harris on Buddhism: -
Hierarchy of Needs Revelation
by freemindfade inin my quest to always understand why jws get so f%$@ed up (yes oubliette, lets review lol) i discovered something today.
in speaking with one of my fellow heathen friends from this site i was talking about maslov's hierarchy of needs in an unrelated subject but i had an epiphany.
witnesses are held at the third level and never make it to the oh so critical top two sections.
I think they would disagree with you and say, "I''ve acheived a lot of things! I was a bethelite! I'm an elder! I respect others, that's why I go in service! I'm moral! I'm a JW artist so I'm creative! I know how to solve problems...use the Bible! I'm not prejudiced! I have plenty of black friends in the truth! I accept the's a sacred secret! -
A checklist for Lurking JW's.
by cappytan indear lurking jw's:.
if you were in a cult, how would you know?
cults don't call themselves cults.
fastJehu: Good one! Unfortunately, I can't edit the OP anymore. lol