Back when I was in high school, I lived on a steep hill and had to park my car on the street. It was a 4 spd. manual early 80's pontiac shitbox. It had a relatively decent stereo in it. One morning we were eating breakfast when there's a knock on the door and there were two cops standing there. They asked "Do you own a blue Pontiac Phoenix?" I said Yes. They said "could you please come with us?"
I came outside and saw my car down the hill and across the street in the neighbor's yard with the neighbor's van sitting on my truck lid - with his trailer hitch punched through my truck lid. I went down and checked it all out. Then all I could do was laugh. Lying on the floor was my stereo...wires cut and ready to be pawned. I guess the guy lost his desire for it when he knocked my car out of gear and it started rolling down the hill...towards a dead end with a cable across it...right in front of a cliff face with about a 35 or 40 foot drop...down below which was the loading docks for a local grocery store.
So, I had to put the stereo back in - and shampoo my driver's seat for good measure.
I also once had a toolbox stolen out of my car while I was at work. That really sucked. I didn't even have a screwdriver or a hammer left.