JRK - just take the high road because you love your mom, not because of the a-holes that they may be. Do it because it's the right thing to do for you and your mom. You'll sleep better at night. (speaking from experience)
JoinedPosts by CoonDawg
My sis and her husband are assholes
by JRK ini love my mother with all my heart.
i purchased an airline ticket for her to visit my sister, one that hasn't spoken to me for over 7 years.
my sis wants me to send her the itinerary of my mothers trip, asking her for it.
Noah & David - kids' video?
by sd-7 inmy wife put on the noah & david video for her daughter (my daughter, stepdaughter, whichever you prefer, we all share our dna with the chimps anyway) last night.
i can remember seeing it years ago, but it's always so different when, you know, you're out of the cult and all.. i was amazed at how much supposition and guesswork was in the noah video.
"even children likely became bullies.
I guess that shows how long I've been out...I've never even heard of those videos. LOL
No Independent Thinking?
by FrankWTower incorrect me if i'm wrong, but i think i just realized another wt contradiction.
i read a critical analysis of the origin of life and was life created brochures called "weighed and found wanting" (which is exellent by the way and recommend it, it's here somewhere).
as i read along on the brochures i finally noticed how the society makes constant appeals to your own common sense and intuition.
The Fallacy of presenting only TWO scenarios with loaded language and connecting emotional triggers
creates only ONE answer: the answer they have rigged.
Exactly! That is precisely why the WTS does not want its believers to go to college. Anyone can learn about the elements of rational argument in a Comp 1 or 2 class that every single college student has to take as a part of their undergrad degree. Seeing the fallacies that the WTS uses to frame its arguments is easy to do for someone who has learned to recognize "false choice" arguments, "logical fallacies" arguments, or - one of the WTS' favorites the "Straw Man" arguments.
by Norcal_Sun ini joined this forum a while ago and am mostly a lurker these days, don't have much time to post.
but i have a conundrum i need some help with.
i have mostly successfully faded from the organization, and i was a witness my whole life.
I honestly just told them that I was having a crisis of faith and needed time to sort things out, that it caused me depression, etc. No one wants to get their hands dirty so they leave me alone. Of course, that was some time ago. I've been "faded" for about the last 14 years or so.
by Quentin in"i always appreciate your encouragement..."...if we band of brothers, who spent most of our lives being controled by an unloving cult, don't encourge one another, who will?
i do my best to live by "thelaw of the good samaritain".
you don't step around a body lying in a ditch.
Yeah, I believe that karma is real. What goes around, comes around...whether it be good or bad, so you'd better be putting more good out there than bad.
Movie about Waco?
by Mickey mouse inhttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt1235549/.
should get people talking about cults again..
Wow...that project is sporting one heck of a cast!
I ended up in the back room of the KH today
by Nobleheart inour public talk and wt study is on saturdays.
i was informed by an elder that i shouldn't leave right away after the meeting.. immediately i had a sinking feeling in my stomach.
but not as bad as i would have felt about it months ago.
I guess I could have gone on with the charade for a while. I like the idea of being a provacateur, but I just don't think I'm good enough to hide my utter disgust and disdain. Also, my wife knows me too well and she would see that I have ulterior motives in attending.
Ft. Lauderdale (Griffin Rd.) Assembly Hall
by pubtruth ini'm a little shocked they would go this far, then again jehovah's quickening the pace...?
i was at my last day of the spanish 2-day circuit assembly when they went over the announcements, one of them the economic report.
it did start off good (for them) mentioning last assembly's (district i assume) actual surplus after the operation costs were taken care of.
WPB is used by those in SW Florida as well. I live in Ft. Myers and my mom goes there. That one is definitely economically more viable. They made a shitpot of cash selling outlying parcels to businesses like Home Depot and McDonald's.
What Do You Think of "Knocking"?
by jamiebowers inthis article came up on google news, and i just couldn't resist adding my comment.
it hasn't appeared yet, but this was my comment:.
---- never mind! LOL
What Do You Think of "Knocking"?
by jamiebowers inthis article came up on google news, and i just couldn't resist adding my comment.
it hasn't appeared yet, but this was my comment:.
I didn't see any of your comments there - or anyone else's for that matter.