I understand what you are saying. Why demean yourself? It's as the bible puts it about kindness to your enemies. It is like heaping coals upon their heads.
I lived next door to the PO in our congregation. At the time, my wife (now ex-wife) was freakin' out and in a nut house. She was so distressed because she and another elder were engaging in a little hanky panky and I found out. Anyhow, I had a house, a job, two kids (one still not walking) and a nutty wife who "tried to kill herself". This PO took the opportunity to start bitching about the clutter in my carport. My home was next door to his, and the KH was on the other side of his house. He made the ususal arguments about it being a "bad witness" etc.
I came Un-freakin' glued! I told him that he was overstepping his bounds. This was not a KH matter, but a matter between neighbors. He was being abusive and insensitive to approach me about it right then. I then told him that I would treat hiim as I would any other neighbor and that if it bothered him so bad, he could clean it up and reorganize it, seeing as I had all these other responsibilities to look after and since he was an elder who was supposed to "look after the flock" that I was a part of rather than kicking us around.
He realized that he would have 3 options...1) treat this as a cong. matter and thereby be obligated to assist me 2) treat this as a matter between neighbors and call the law on me (it wasn't really THAT bad) or 3) shut his pie hole and leave me alone.
He chose option # 3, apologized and I never heard anymore about it.
Yep, it felt very good.
I was not disrespecfull, just told him the facts.