Okay Sixy, c'mon... explain the ref.
it's a reference to Sgt. Schultz in Hogan's Heroes....he always said Jawohl herr commandant....etc.
Okay Sixy, c'mon... explain the ref.
it's a reference to Sgt. Schultz in Hogan's Heroes....he always said Jawohl herr commandant....etc.
i was reading through the terrisfight.org site and ran across the section "how you can help".
there is a petition to sign on the site to save terri.
here is the link to it for those who want to sign it.
If you honestly think that ANY of these politicians care a rat's ass about this girl or her family...I got some a bridge I can get you a great deal on. The name of the game for these republican politicians, no matter how the chips fall, is to set the stage for federal judge appointments. Frist said it on tape...and Delay stated that "one thing we do know is that God sent us Terri Schiavo...to bring this issue to the fore." They don't care beyond photo ops and where her situation can take them politically.
No matter how sad this situation is...and I can identify both as a husband and as a parent that this is horrible for all involved....the congress should have stayed out of it.
Also, the terrisfight website referred to early in this thread is a very biased site....catering to an agenda. Do I sympathize? sure...but it leaves alot out. Like after the settlement, Michael came away with about $300K and the rest after lawyers fees (around 750K) was put into a trust fund. Michael and Terri's parents brought Terri home from a hospital, but the parents were so overwhelmed that they returned her to a rehabilitation center. Their rift with Michael appears to have come only after Michael wouldn't cut them in on the $300K...he then, after more than 3 years of living with his inlaws, moved out.
I'm just saying there's two sides to every story. Don't be so quick to make this guy out to be such a villain. Last time I checked, here in the US, a person has to be charged with a crime...and even then, he's supposed to be innocent until PROVEN guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
Please, make provision for yourselves and your loved ones. My wife and I have been looking at living wills and durable powers of attorney because of this. My wife told me that if I ever let her exist as Terri is, she doesn't know how, but she'll find a way to make me regret it.
there is apparently no chance at all of her ever recovering from her present state, but do you think she should live or die?
for myself, i think she's better off dead than living---no, existing---in her present state.
i for one, have instructed my family to let me die if something like this ever happened to me.
The Hypocrisy continues to amaze me. First off, Sen. Bill Frist (senate majority leader) wrote a book on transplants in 1999 wherein he suggested that anacyphalic babies who are in a condition similar to Terri Schiavo's where they have minimal brainstem activity, should be declared leagally brain dead, thus enabling docs to harvest organs for transplants. Seems to me that this is a real hypocritical stand.
1999 George Bush signed into law in the state of Texas the "Futile Care" bill. This bill enabled caregivers in the state of texas, when all hope seemed at an end and the person cannot continue to pay for treatment, the HOSPITAL and DOCTORS can make the decision to remove a person from any kind of life support, even overriding the wishes of the family or guardian. Seems again that Mr. Bush is such a hypocrit its too egregious for words.
what is the greatest silent compliment you have been paid ?.
mine is after i left one job they replaced me with two people
I painted my faded shutters a great color of green...then a few weeks later, saw my a-hole neighbor being shamed by his wife into painting all of theirs so their house wouldn't be the crappy looking one next to mine.
Also, I get asked advice on lawn maintenace all the time. But my biggest compliment ever was overhearing a couple of guys at Hardees (in a small town) discussing some home maintenance problem. One asked the other "Have you tried going down to Hamel & Rowe? Ask for that guy Ernie. He really knows his stuff." Neither of them knew I was there...I knew I'd finally "made my bones".
I was on cloud nine for a week. It did wonders for my self confidence.
here, the roads are in terrible shape.
with 4 distinct seasons, we have many potholes this time of year, and they don't pave streets very often....like maybe once every 40 years for secondary roads, and maybe once every 10 years for major arteries.. all they seem to do around here is patch roads, not pave entire lengths like they used to not so many years ago.. i was just wondering if this was just here...
Here in the states, I rate Arkansas, Kentucky, and Louisianna as having some of the worst roads. The thing is, they get fuel taxes from commercial transport as well as road usage taxes from them...plus what dribs and drabs they get from the general driving public. Most of that money goes to things non-road related. The three aforementioned states are bad about not putting a big enough percentage towards road building and maintenance, so they have terrible roads. Nevada, on the other hand, has mostly great roads. They get plenty of tax revenue from the casinos. Here in Tennessee...we have some that are great and some not so great....but not bad overall.
cleaning the toilet?.
doing dishes?.
For me....sorting socks. Most other things I'll do, but I HATE sorting socks. In fact, I hate it so bad, I'd just as soon buy new packs of socks just to keep from having to wash, dry and sort socks...and I have before.
The rest of it, I don't mind. I cook, clean, all that good stuff. My lawn...well, that's one of the things I'm proudest of. I love to work in my yard.
there is apparently no chance at all of her ever recovering from her present state, but do you think she should live or die?
for myself, i think she's better off dead than living---no, existing---in her present state.
i for one, have instructed my family to let me die if something like this ever happened to me.
Here's the letter I wrote:
Dear Congressman:
This letter is to you concerning next week?s special session of congress to assert government authority into the matter of Terri Schaivo. While I recognize the Republican?s evangelical zeal, I don?t see that their emotionally motivated zeal should be reason to abuse the powers of the congress. From what I?ve looked at about the case, this legislative strong arm tactic has already been tried by the Florida governor and this was struck down as unconstitutional by the courts. To try this again at the national level is folly. In my opinion, this is simply Sen. Frist?s as well as the rest of the majority?s attempt to gain a few pre-recess political points with the right wing evangelical base?.nothing more. If these clowns can?t include an exception to a bankruptcy bill that protects soldier?s families, I seriously doubt their concern for this one woman, beyond what it will do for them in short term political gains. I urge you to stand opposed to this nonsense, not out of a sense of callousness for life, but rather out of integrity for balance in our 3 branch system of government and the balance that is supposed to be maintained. If everything that the judiciary does is subject to congressional override, our system of government is in serious jeopardy.
I too think that this case sets dangerous precedents...only my concerns are much different than those already expressed here. I see a dangerous pattern of late where congress and the senate seem to want to invalidate the power that the judiciary has always held. This is a fundamental change in our form of government that is not healthy. This is exactly why the founding fathers split the power as they did. I hope that people come to their senses and become concerned with real problems....like wether or not atheletes should inject steroids...you know...real life and death stuff.
there is apparently no chance at all of her ever recovering from her present state, but do you think she should live or die?
for myself, i think she's better off dead than living---no, existing---in her present state.
i for one, have instructed my family to let me die if something like this ever happened to me.
To me, this is part of the complexity of the argument. Though removal of the feeding tube is brutal and you know that it will take up to two weeks for this lady to die. At the same time, the woman should be allowed to go in peace. In my mind, this brings up the issue of right to die. If there is no real chance for any kind of quality of life, i don't see why a person cannot make their wishes known and for some medical procedure be done to end the person's life. My wife, sitting right next to me, just informed me that if I ever let her suffer on like this woman has, she'll kill me...she doesn't know how...but she'd find a way.
I do, however, think that this is a total overstepping of the bounds of congress to try and butt their noses into private family affairs. This is what happens when you get christo-fascists zombies from the neo-con death cult in power.
cnn is reporting that a neighbor confessed to kidnapping and killing her.
this neighbor is a registered sex offender.
In our state, recently, an audit was done of the sex offender's registry. The agency responsible for keeping these things updated were woefully behind. An alarming percentage of offenders were unable to be contacted at their last known addresses, etc. It's been a big deal here in our state. Studies have shown that pedophiles are the least likely to ever be reformed. (hey, for most of you I know I'm telling you stuff you already know). I don't know what the entire answer is. Chemical castration?
I know this clown won't ever see the light of day again...and that's as it should be.
men must have short hair in the org.. does this mean that sisters can have their hair as long as they want?.
one of the sexiest 40+ women I've ever encountered was a sister who looked very classy...had dark hair just starting to get touches of grey in it. Her hair was long, at least down to her waist. I remember having the hots for her as a teen...she was fantasy fuel for years.
The hair thing is just about control. I about gave the elders a stroke as a teen when (at my mom's suggestion) I began to get a perm put in my hair to give it some body because mine is straight as a board. When I got married, my wife began urging on me the hairstyle that she thought best suited me...just the standard kind of fundy-cut. I could never keep it looking good because of the aforementioned straight hair problem. As I began to express my own independence....I started cutting my hair shorter and shorter....so that now...for probably the last 10 years or so, I've had a millitary style flat-top...which the elders hated too. As soon as I left...the first thing I did to really visibly express my independence was to grow a full beard.
People who get hung up on these things have too much time on their hands. If I want my hair long or short...whatever...am I not the one who has to look at it in the mirror everyday? Who gives a rat's a$$ what anyone else thinks?