Yep...just look at this....
Same woman in both pics.
well, we all know it is possible, but when i have short hair, i never quite feel feminine.
upon attempting to grow my hair out, i really hit a bad patch of nasty the other day, i examined my lifestyle, and obligations and really thought on it. i wacked it all off.
Yep...just look at this....
Same woman in both pics.
well, we all know it is possible, but when i have short hair, i never quite feel feminine.
upon attempting to grow my hair out, i really hit a bad patch of nasty the other day, i examined my lifestyle, and obligations and really thought on it. i wacked it all off.
Uhh.... HELL YEAH!
i'm free now.
by which i mean, i am no longer worried about being "found out.
" does anyone here live near albany, ga?
I live in Nashville, TN , but I am a trucker, so I get around. At the moment, I'm sitting here in a truckstop near Dalton waiting for my dinner.
Can I post now?
the one that use to annoy the chief all the time, not the one that leads the watchtower society.
"Ahhhh-HAAA! The old 'Dead Actor' trick, huh?"
I'll miss him and his "cone of silence".
the one that use to annoy the chief all the time, not the one that leads the watchtower society.
"Ahhhh-HAAA! The old 'Dead Actor' trick, huh?"
I'll miss him and his "cone of silence".
i've been invited to a halloween party and i am so excited!!
i've never dressed up for halloween before and i need costume ideas please.
whatever i go as it will have to have wings, because........well just because.
My grandson wants to go as "Dash" from "The Incredibles"...I picked up his costume this week....sewn in muscles and all. I'm not sure what I'll go as. I'll have to give it some thought. I'm sure he'd love it if I went as "Mr. Incredible"..but I don't know if I want to do that.
you know, i never thought that i could meet someone so much like me.
but i did and right here at jwd, we only live a couple thousand miles from each other but i feel driven to relocate.
not tomarrow or anything sudden but the thought of someone who you know deep inside is you're perfect match is so far away, what else is there to do ?.
I didn't meet my wife on this site, but I did move from Tupelo, MS to Nashville, TN. After weighing it all out, I felt it easier for me to get a new job, etc...than it would be for her. Besides...the 200 mile dating commute was getting costly. I once made 4 trips in a week.
president bush says that he is going to texas to visit the state where hurrican rita will hit.
but the eyewall is probably going to actually make landfall in louisiana!
well i suppose he has to let all his supporters in texas know that he cares.
Yes damn him and his terrible weather forcasting abilities. Its only been said since it became a hurricane that it was gonna hit Texas... he is the president! He should know better.
His internal dopplar radar must be WAY off.
I don't necessarily disagree with the point you are trying to make...but in response to the above...
my husband and i are planning to make biodiesel for our diesel car.
looks like it will be a hobby for him-- he enjoys chemistry.
we will make a fumeless processor, and put the whole setup in our basement.
I have been doing research into biodiesel. The part that's the kicker to me is that, currently...the only sedans available in the US are either the small VW models or a few Mercedes that are coming in. All the american stuff are trucks. I contemplated something the size of the new Chevy HHR with a diesel engine...using biodiesel...and running a green, efficient, and profitable taxi service. Having a real hurdle trying to find a vehicle that would do.
Evidently, at the moment, the most common here in the states is B20. A step in the right direction and easily produced. Also it requires NO engine modifications at all.