I'm 37 and hopefully next spring, I'll start back to school. I want to major in Criminal Forensic Science, especially since I'm going to work for the Sheriff's Dept. anyhow. The best part is they'll pay for it.
JoinedPosts by CoonDawg
"It is accomplished"
by AGuest infini.
i completed my last class last night.
one more exam (next week)... and 8 years of school are about to be over.
The Pioneer Stroll YouTube video clip
by Open mind incheck out the urgency in the pace of these jws caught on video out in service.. pioneer stroll!.
Makes me glad every day that I live in a gated community. Let's see 'em get past old Barney Fife and the HOA.
Please Share your Experiences of Abusive Judicial Committee Meetings
by flipper ini had noticed on the board recently of several posters mentioning what they , or someone they know has gone through being brought before a jehovah's witness judicial committee - so i thought it would be good to share experiences so we all can get an idea of what has worked for some of you in dealing with it , and also methods to use when dealing with the elders , and it might open some lurkers eyes to the injustices suffered by many - which by the way usually isn't discussed in the rank and file witnesses .
many of you know my experience - so i will be brief.
long story short i was inactive for 3 and a half years , scripturally free to remarry , had not attended meetings for that long.
Well, I was never called into a JC to be disfellowshipped, but I did have one gang up on me about, of all things, my choice in music. My dad was there too. They actually tried to get all over me because I was into the 80's hair bands. They tried to tell me that it was bad because of those that sang it. I asked what I was supposed to listen to and they said "classical". I countered by telling them how Mozart was a philanderer and others were drug addicted, so where was the difference with my rock & roll bands? They said I should listen to Kingdom Melodies. I said that was crap. I didn't mind playing them when I was part of a small band...(I played clarinet) but I didn't enjoy listening to others play them. They ran out of steam and threatened me with removal from sound board duties. I told them that was fine, I had plenty to keep busy with anyhow.
Two of those jack-holes ended up being ones who covered over my daughter's sexual abuse my a member of their congregation.
It should have been my first clue when a Plumber and a farmer thought they were somehow qualified to sit in judgement of others.
Of course the other time in front of a JC was for my first wife. She and another elder were kind of messing around. Oh, neither ever admitted to having a sexual affair, but then why would they? I had judicial meetings on and off about the situation for nearly two years. Eventually, I ended up the bad guy because I call the offending (ex) elder a son of a bitch. I was a wronged party and they were on my case like I was the bad guy. Couldn't beleive it. That's when I began my fade. I told the elders (the same in the aforementioned story about meeting them on one of their surprise "shepherding calls" when I met them armed to the teeth) that unless they were forming a committee to DF me, I wasn't interested in attending any more of their elder's meetings - for shepherding or otherwise. I told them to leave me the hell alone, than you very much.
Did/does your Kingdom Hall have a Spanking Room?
by WilliamCoburn ini was hoping to create a poll but i do not see an option for that.
thank you for taking the time to answer.
this is a very important question for me because of personal reasons.
Dad almost always hauled us to the bathroom, by the method my brother and I still call "the Spock Shock" in honor of the Vulcan neck pinch thingy. We made so many trips to the back...usually for fighting over an arm rest or something. A couple of older sisters tried to plead with my dad about his regular beatings of us. My dad's reply was - and I quote: "Kids are like sugar cane. To make 'em sweet, you gotta beat the pulp out of them."
That sums up my dad's theory.
When I had kids of my own, I was pretty hard on them at the time. It's all I knew. It shames me that I spanked a child for being fidgety at the meetings when I was bored out of my skull too. I have apologized, but it still saddens me to think how easily I was influenced by this mindset.
It's official....Bookstudy is DOA
by CoonDawg inokay, so my wife and mom both got back from their public talk / wt study this evening.
my loudmouthed sister asked if there were any announcements.
the bookstudy is hereafter known as "the congregation bible study".
Oh, the TMS, the Service Mtg. and the new Congregation bible study will be 35 min. each.
It's official....Bookstudy is DOA
by CoonDawg inokay, so my wife and mom both got back from their public talk / wt study this evening.
my loudmouthed sister asked if there were any announcements.
the bookstudy is hereafter known as "the congregation bible study".
Okay, so my wife and mom both got back from their public talk / WT study this evening. My loudmouthed sister asked if there were any announcements. The bookstudy is hereafter known as "The Congregation Bible Study". The new arrangement will take place in January of '09. There you have it. Many of the prognosticators were correct in their predicitions as to the "reasons" for this "blessing from Jehoober". One was a steady attendance decline for the past 10 yrs. or so and another, rising gas prices making it a "hardship on the brotherhood" to attend 3 different meetings a week. So, there you have it folks.
Elders Asking For Your Number
by minimus intoday i saw 2 elders at my mother's , waiting outside, "worrying" that something might've happened to her because she didn't answer her door.
(i had just brought her back from her doctor's appt.).
when they saw me, one immediately said, we want your number to call you in case we need to get in touch with you.
I have to say, it was quite satisfying. Whenever I have a JW say "we miss you"...I always reply "You don't really mean that. You wouldn't really want me around speaking my mind." The looks on the faces are priceless.
Elders Asking For Your Number
by minimus intoday i saw 2 elders at my mother's , waiting outside, "worrying" that something might've happened to her because she didn't answer her door.
(i had just brought her back from her doctor's appt.).
when they saw me, one immediately said, we want your number to call you in case we need to get in touch with you.
Good show, Min!
I once told the elders to call before coming. They ignored my instructions and a carload of 3 of them dropped in for a "shepherding call". I lived in a remote area, so I met them halfway down the drive with an assault rifle (complete with 40 round magazine) in my hands and my 9 mil strapped in a holster on my side. They wanted to still come up to the house and I refused. I told them no and that I had already told them they were no longer welcome to just drop by. They left and after that, I pretty much quit going to meetings.
My ex is case in point an argument against homeschooling. She's homeschooling my 14 year old daughter. Now I have a F*cking idiot teaching our daughter how to be a F*cking idiot. This is the same woman who fashioned a spelling for "you'ns"....the same woman who thinks that reading fiction is "a waste of time."
American Idol did Andrew Lloyd Webber songs tonight!
by changeling ini love ai and i love alw, so i was happy as a clam.
to bad some of those talented people had no clue when it comes to musical theater.. i want david cook to win, how about you guys?.
changeling :).
Archuletta is a goldmine. I love the originality of David Cook, though I'm surprised he didn't pick more of a rockin' song like something else from JC-Superstar.
He did a good job, but I'm just not a fan of Phantom.
I think Brook may be toast. She's my favorite of the femmes, but I think she's done. Carly did well last night, but overall, I think she's over rated.