" turn in my time'
JoinedPosts by notalone
I need advise. I' exJW in Japan.
by yoko N ini need advisei need advise about lingo of jw community.a publisher is required to report time spent in preaching, and field service.in japan.
we say something like“ put time in report card’how do you say in english language?.
Thank you so much - I am really touched
by doubtfull1799 injust wanted to thank everyone so much for all your responses to my first post.
i am overwhelmed by all the replies and supportive comments that came through overnight while i was asleep here in aussie land!.
i will absolutely endeavour to reply to each one individually but it will take some time as there are a lot to go through.
Dear Doubtful, welcome and know there are many wonderful people here that can be here with many perspectives on leaving. I would like to offer how my family addressed this issue. As a forth gen that had raised a fifth in the org, we had many discussions on this. My husband was particularly determined to disassociate. We wrote a letter, manifesto. When my husband was on a business trip he mailed it from a large city. In it we did not give our names or location and stated that if Jehovah wished he could let them know who we are. We still have a couple of friends who are as close as ever with. They know we do not go to meetings, and they don't push it. I do not undermine their faith, but when issues arise I do direct them only to the Bible. Recently, the witnesses have gotten away from deep Bible reading, opting instead to just watch or listen to things provided. I have found that they find just reading whole chapters of the Bible without a commentary surprisingly refreshing. I could not be able to reach these ones I love if they knew we were dissociated. Well, I guess I'm a little rambling and this is just one more experience to consider. I hope you have a really good experience in making this decision without someone else's guideline.
I Have A Question About A Dog
by minimus ini would like to have your opinion on something if you don't mind.
my girlfriends dog, a scottish terrier, is a wonderful lovable dog about fiveyears old.
my girlfriend owns a hair salon and takes her dog with her and the dog greets clients very lovingly.
First, do these men have simulacra attributes? Sometimes dogs who had a bad experience in the past will react that way to someone who appears similar. Secondly, are these people scared, or do they have negative feelings towards dogs? Dogs sense feelings. Third, trust the dogs instincts. Dogs and small children often can tell if something is off, don't try to make them accept someone they know is bad- that is a human trait. Put the dog in a safe place without scolding and lots of love while those patrons are there.
Picking up the pieces
by longgone injust needing a listening ear, so in advance thanks for being here, no one other than ex-jw's could understand.
they may try, but i think only a person who lived through it could know what's its really like.. i wish i could be supporting others here but i'm so broken myself i can't seem to do that yet.
i hope that will come in time though.. for now, i'm trying to undo the damage done to my family by the wts.
dear long gone, yes we have been warped by this cult. We try. We keep trying, but somehow the pieces just won;t fit together. We get out, but they are still in there, whispering things that undermine all we could be. All our ideas about 'good', 'bad', 'right', wrong'. All the ways we look at life, the ways we come at problems, they have interrupted. When we try to build afresh it seems distant, odd, unfamiliar. We want to trust something, but what we knew, everything we knew is fake, false, a dark mirage. Everything we now are seeing has been colored by this dark mirage, keeping us from seeing the healing that is there. We also often don't have to funds to get the care we so desperately need. So, I offer this. Breathe. See the beauty and wonder around you. They have not won. You are now free, use it. Support your daughter. Keep helping yourself. Read. Build positive relationships. Do everything they made you fear. It may be what you need. Try hypnotherapy. Try qi gong or ti chi.Join a church or social group.. Find a cause.Find a hobby.Give yourself time.As to the past, well you can't do anything about that, all the power is in this present.Use it. Seize it. Allow the pain. Learn from it. Be wise. I am not going to say tomorrow is going to be better. It might be bloody awful, but it is going to be your tomorrow, your choices. Fight for it,cherish it One day you will look back and say look what I did, and you will be proud.
one thing about all these pedophiles cases i cant understand is..
by nowwhat? inas a parent, if it was my kid i would go straight to the police and or beat the living shit out of the perpetrator.
were all these parents of the victims brain dead or that indoctrinated?.
We now can work on healing and are choosing to be around people who encourage healthy thought patterns, one of the reasons I come here.
one thing about all these pedophiles cases i cant understand is..
by nowwhat? inas a parent, if it was my kid i would go straight to the police and or beat the living shit out of the perpetrator.
were all these parents of the victims brain dead or that indoctrinated?.
As a parent of one molested in the congregation this is what we did. 1. get counseling 2. inform the elders, but not formally. 3. carefully inform friends and those with children to exercise caution. 4. When she was ready, go to the police ( this can be very traumatic and we wanted to ready to face it) 5. formally go to elders
6. elders tell you to forgive and sit in hall with molester.7 receive death threats 8. get restraining order 9. told if you pursue your implied invitation to attend hall will be revoked. 10 pursue 11 elders harass 12 send elders cease and desist letters for not following court order 13 can't disfellowship us but they go around telling others to view us that way 14. find out we do have a few real friends 15 find this site 16 personal research 17.TTATT 18 freedom
by blondie inin 4 segments because won't post all.. .
segment 1. .
blondie’s comments on the february 12, 2017 wt study (november 2016) (minds on spirit).
Childless elders need to piss off
by Steel inanyone else think it's wrong to ask a women with small children to volunteer there time, ask if they like to come to a potential study etc etc?.
my wife just spent an entire day helping with a kingdom hall reno while i babysat.
i latter stepped out and saw half the elders having coffee because they had so many people show up, they were tripping over each other.. i also have no idea what tangible skill my wife offered or why it is important she needs to be there.. i just wish these men would man up and be men, instead of just wasting everyone's time on purpose.
Oh, I do so remember. I was pioneer.for several years When I had my kids I had to come off the list. I have two special needs children They assigned another pioneer to me so that I could 'learn' how to get my hours up.
by robrog8999 inhello all.... i am new here so i figured i'd make a quick post introducing myself and giving a brief intro as to who i am and what i'm here for... as well as to hopefully meet others.. so, i made a profile and in it i gave a pretty detailed explanation as to my intent here and exactly why i decided to participate in the boards.
in case you don't read it, i'll give a brief summary.
the name is robert.
Dear Robert, I was a 4th generation jw. My family had been in it from the time of Russell. I Pioneered (90 hrs a month in door to door activities) I moved to where the need was greater twice. I have read everything that has been printed since the 50's. I read their old encyclopedia and both volumes of their newer encyclopedia twice. Every morning and night before bed I read the daily text. I worked hard to read a chapter in the Bible each night. I loved Revelation and Daniel and thrived on prophecy. I sang kingdom songs as lullaby's to my children and home schooled them. I was so in. Christianity is not about knowing things, though this is valuable. Christianity is about who you are, your relationship with Almighty God and Jesus. Christianity is about seeing and interacting with others the way Jesus did. Christianity is about taking Christ's teaching into your heart and life. Christianity is indelibly entwined with the grace of God. Jehovah's witnesses do not have any idea what that is. I remember the day when a lady I was visiting with mentioned 'grace'. In my mind and heart there was nothing. When I looked it up, there was still nothing. The idea of grace was foreign. So I looked everywhere I could. To be one of Jehovah's Witnesses you must first and completely recognize you will always be ,undeserving,. The only way you will ever have any value is to work continuously to follow the ever changing whims of the governing body ( seven men who dispense all current knowledge from God) PLEASE, unless you are a pedophile, look up the Australian Royal Commission. This happens everywhere! As to religions that do not believe in the Trinity, Unitarians do not believe in the trinity or a burning hell and they allow you to take the spiritual path you need to follow and not shun you if your path differs from them. If it is spiritual freedom you are looking for, please keep looking.
If you had the power ....
by Landy in...would you choose to ban the jw religion?.
if you wouldn't ban them what, if any, changes would you force upon them?.
All religions must pay all 'volunteers' or member's of 'religious orders' a working wage.All religious corporations would pay the same taxes as any other corporation They must contribute fully in their countries toward the social security system. They would be subject to worker's comp. There can be no parallel judicial system.There would be no religious exemption for reporting crimes.Any violation of personal rights would face specific fines