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JoinedPosts by light_bulb
What ever happened to this film?
by fade_away infor a little more than a year i've been hearing of this "upcoming documentary" on the jw religion and on the wtbts called "truth be told".
it looks very interesting, but for the last six months or so i haven't heard a peep from this movie.
i don't know if it's in production, delayed, or cancelled.
New DVD "Become Jehovah's Friend"
by treadnh2o inhey peeps,.
it's been a long while since i've posted (i am completely out - wife and kids still in) but thought you might this interesting.. they came home from the district convention yesterday with the new dvd intended for kids.
they popped it in right away and this is what happens:.
This just made me sooo sad, that my nieces and nephews are going to have to watch this.
I would like to hear your experiences with being SHUNNED
by jwfacts ini am going to put together a page of short experiences of how shunning has affected exjws.
you do not have to be disfellowshipped, even if you were shunned after being marked or after fading.
all comments are welcome, such as who shunned you, how long since family have spoken to you, what your situation is, why you are being shunned and how it has made you feel.
I've been disfellowshipped for 2 years now.
I was very close to my parents, the only single child they had left. Home to visit every other weekend to visit even though I lived 3 hours from their place. Phone calls to mum and dad several times a week usually. And all that ceased the day I told them I had been disfellowshipped.
The most painful thing my father did as part of his shunning was send me a text message to tell me that my uncle had passed away. It was only about 6 months after I had been disfellowshipped that it happened. It was the most impersonal message that he could have sent, it was like a form text that you send out to a bunch of strangers, not to your daughter that a loved family member had passed away. When I immediately called him back after receiving the message, I was crying and asked how he could possibly have done that to me. Why couldn't he have called me to tell me that. He initally said that he didn't know how to contact me, and didn't want to interrupt me in my life. He had my mobile number (as evidenced by the text message) and I really don't know what he thought he would be interrupting with a phone call. He said that he has spoken to some brothers and sisters in the congregation and they had decided that a text message was the best way to inform me of his passing. My Uncle wasn't even a witness and of all the family that I had - he was the one that I was closest to. At my uncle's funeral, which has a JW service as my aunt is a semi practicing witness, my father gave the talk. My sister and her family walked right by me like I wasn't there. My nieces and nephews were guided away from me, I could tell they had been told not to speak to me. I was totally gutted, to be left out in the cold, without the support of my closet family.
My father hasn't changed. Over the next year he would let me know when he had a health issue (as he isn't a well man and has been in and out of hospital many times in this period). He recently decided to send an email to my younger sister (who is also disfellowshipped). His opening words of the email were - I hate to do this to you and your sister, but unless it is an extreme family emergency you will not hear from me again. The worst part is he didn't even send me the email, he only sent it to my sister. That was October 22 of this year. I carry the email around, to remind me of what this religion does to families, and have had no contact with them since. I honestly don't even know if I could speak to him after the email.
I recently spent a week with my aunt, 20kms from where my parents are living. They knew I was there, but made no effort to contact me. I later heard that they were upset that I spent so much time at my aunts place, but really what did they expect me to do - ask to stay with them??? The pain of losing the two people who meant the most to me cannot be described and the hurt that my father inflicts with each of his thoughless acts cuts deep, making me question my worth each time. But I am surrounded by friends or my new family of my choosing, who never fail to remind me that I am special and loveable and that it is my parents who are missing out by shunning me the way they do.
TOMORROW on Cult Free Radio! - JWFACTS.COM's Paul Grundy
by Mad Sweeney inyeah man!
how does cfr follow up barbara anderson?
with paul grundy, the creator of jwfacts.com.
Amazing Show Mad Sweeny! I'm trying to listen to all your previous ones as well. Thanks very much for the great resources.
Where Are You From?
by finallysomepride inalot of members don't have a flag or country name beside their user name, and well frequently one doesn't know where that particular person is from, tell us your country, state, county or what ever you feel like giving out.
if you are going to post please at least devulge your country.. me, i'm originally from taranaki, new zealand via auckland.
for the most of this decade i have been living & working in brisbane, queensland, australia.. .
So why did the organisation cause you anxiety or depression?
by TimothyT inin regards to my other post regarding attending counselling as a jw, i was wondering what it was about being a jw that caused you to be anxious, stressed or depressed?.
for me, i knew that the person i wanted to be was constantly being supressed by the wt.
there was a battle going on in my head between who i wanted to be and who they wanted me to be.
For me it was never feeling good enough... not doing enough hours in the ministry, not making enough comments during the meeting, having too many notes when giving a part from the platform, working too many hours, doing something that would cause a backlash for dad and his position in the congregation.
I agree that you do feel so much freer to be yourself once leaving the organisation, its so AMAZING!
The threat of losing your family/friends and community when disfellowshipped is also enough to cause anxiety.... the reality of it even more so at times.
Favorite album cover art
by littlerockguy in.
one thing i miss about not buying vinyl now is the artwork on the album cover.
post some of your favorite album covers.
obsviously still a newbie :)
Favorite album cover art
by littlerockguy in.
one thing i miss about not buying vinyl now is the artwork on the album cover.
post some of your favorite album covers.
Korn - Follow the leader - but i can't figure out how to insert the image :)
Did YOU Actually Believe That You Would Never Die?
by minimus ineven though i was raised a witness, i was never convinced that the end would be in 1975 or even in my lifetime..
i never thought i was going to live forever... as others have said i always knew that i wasn't good enough to survive armageddon - if it ever came in my lifetime.
but then i never wanted to live forever anyway!
I was driving by the Kingdom Hall and I noticed...........
by Sour Grapes ini was driving by the hall last night and it was 45. minutes until the meeting started and there were.
12 cars in the parking lot.
i thought don't these.
haha that was me as a child... my dad made us go to the hall so early all the time...
so glad i never have to go there again!