Topics Started by nogs
Goodbye and i want to say thanks
by nogs inthis is my farewell message.
i just want to say thanks to the number of people who i have spoken to and share stories with, i thought i was the only one who left for the reasons i did but i have met many and they have strenghened me in my life course now, basically i had never looked up witnesses before and was thinking about returning to the borg when i found this site, you all made me see that it would be like going backwards.
i feel strong now and will be not returning to this site, mainly as i want to let the past stay in the past, wts is the past and while i keep re-hashing it it will always affect my life.. thanks all.
This song was always one of my favourites
by nogs inwho wants to live forever?.
there's no time for us?.
there's no place for us.
by nogs inwhy do we have top get involved in the fight between god and satan?.
why can't we just opt out like we do in the fights between the nations?.
i never chose to be on satans side or on jehovahs side although if i had to chose i would chose gods side.. even though they seems to be the same amount of killing innocents on both sides.. it seems like we are pawns, disposible.. im sorry guys but i have always wondered this, have you???.
What about those who commit suicide???
by nogs inthe wts say that those who commit suicide commit a grave act toward god and will be everlastingly cut-off.
where does that idea come from and where is the compassion of ones when the person just could not go on living anymore????.
i felt like ending it alot of times, the jws made me feel ugly, stupid and unworthy individual, i lost all my confidence and never felt that anyone would want to marry me as i was so flawed.
Scribes and pharisee question to Jesus???????
by nogs inwell i think everyone will know this one, remember the scriptures when the scribes and pharisee's tricked questioned jesus on resurrection???
the wife of a man who had seven brothers and whom died and married all of them until she died herself whom would she be the wife of in the ressurrection and jesus said that they would be no marrying of the ressurrected ones.
one day when i was on the ministry with an elders wife and we talked about and her thoughts were that when the earth was finally filled then they would be no need for marriage and having sex etc as the earth would be filled and children wouldn't be needed anymore and then man and woman would live as brothers and sisters platonic, noone has ever explaned the scripture properly to me and if that was going to be what it was like to live forver with no marriage than i'm glad im going to die at armaggeddon!!!.
I'd give up forever, to touch you.......
by nogs iniris.
and id give up forever to touch you,.
cause i know that you feel me somehow,.
Birthday parties- A good idea or not????
by nogs ini've just recently (today) booked my little girls first birthday party at mcdonalds, she went to a pals birthday party a week ago.
well since i was brought without having any, and started bringing my daughter up that way, is it ok to do do them now we have left, i suppose now we have left it doesn't matter what we do now is it,are any other parents doing the same, i wonder?????.
depression and why JW's don't reconize it
by nogs inwell as you know unless you are an elders son or daughter generally jw's don't lift a finger to help all those ones feeling downtrodden and lonely.
i felt like this from july 1994 to march 2000. i prayed to jehovah constantly for help to ease the loneliness, i begged the elders and even others.
for a long time the only ones who would talk to me where the elderly ones(who i miss now since i left) i cried every night and felt after five years of being at meetings and feeling invisable (even though i was an auxillary pioneer) i decided that my life was worth fighting for.