$$$ who SHOULD we blame? It was NOT a personal decision. The greatest motivator for becoming a Dub is simple, animilistic FEAR transmitted through the frontal lobe which groks religion to the inner bits of the brain, which only grok pain. Somewhere in the translation, faith is born! Don't tell me you don't fear "Judgement Day". What would your religion be without it? Answer: It wouldn't exist as a religion.$$$
It should have been a personal decision. You have all of the equipment, supposedly, to make rational decisions in life. If the decision was not a rational, wise, informed one--then blame yourself. And fear is not the only thing that motivates one to become a Witness. That is the fallacy of reductionism (nothing-nut-ness).
$$$Is your argument that more dubs than not are free to speak what they think and make any non-religious legal decisions as they see fit with umpunity? Yes or no.$$$
You need to learn the difference between existential freedom or volitional freedom and freedom of speech. One is philosophical and the other is political. So your questions are null and void.
$$$Well, I do recall being told that women are to be submissive to their husband (just as Christ is to...someone or something, I cannot recall). I was taught this as a good JW young woman would be.$$$
You only apprehended part of the story. You need to focus on the overall pattern of truth. Remember Sarah and Abigail. Remember how God blessed these strong women? A husband is not supposed to be a dictator.
$$$I did so enjoy putting a napkin on my head when there was a male in the room; even if it was a baby. I also enjoyed not having any responsibility in the congregation...this really set me up as a house cleaner...$$$
You raise a lot of issues. But I do not want you to overlook the main point. You retain your freedom and autonomy since you have the capability to type on this board. Use it wisely. The Bible does not condemn such actions.
$$$Regarding Proverbs 31...when I left the dubs, I burned my bible!! Now that was liberating. Suddenly I saw the light! I do not need a man--to tell me what to do!! [8>]$$$
The Bible does not say that a man has to tell you what to do. You should have kept it and read it!