well where do I begin......raised in the "Truth" basically, was the "Model JW".I was used in all sorts of Circuit and District parts, mainly about Pioneering and NOT GOING TO COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!!!The timeperiod was the mid 80s.At that time (listen up Drivelikejehu)COLLEGE was WRONG!!!!I had the wonderful privelege of being in all those DRAMAs about how bad COLLEGE was(if you remember those dramas I played Ted).Those DRAMAs came at a time when I was graduating HS.So I did what I thought to be right and Pio for 2 years!!!I actually enjoyedthis full time service!!!Know I am at the crossroads in my life....I married young(19)and subsequently divorced 10yrs later.My wife at the time got DFd, and I remarried shortly thereafter.During my first marriage I was a MS and thought life was good!!!!!!I felt pressured into "reachin out" and so thought that being a MS was the right thing.I never like the scrutiny that everybody imposed on me.That is kind of hard to explain unless you have been in that situation. After my first wife was DFd, I asked to step down.They would not let me step down for months(never understood that???).So here I am know, have a lovely wife in the Truth.I myselfstill go very regularly to meetings, service,.etc.I find to many discrepencies in the organization!!The only reason I go to meetings is all the friends I have in the organization and to keep peace with my wife.My mother and stepfather are the only family that I have in the truth.If I was to leave, it would totally crush my mother.My sister stop going to meetings years ago and that hurt my mother so much, would not want to put her through that.I lurked on H20 for about a year and posted couple of times over there.Just curious is this Foroum better than Coolboard???I lurk but don't currentlypost over there.I do enjoy Mommy and her interesting perspective on things over here.I also like DrivelikeJehu posts!!!!Drive congrats on going to College!!!!You are growing up at the right time in the Org do that!!!Drive, just curious what part of the US do you live???You don't have to specific, just area!!!Well I apologize for rambling but thats my first of I hope many posts in the future!!!