Former Brother, I believe God still cares and provides guidance through the Bible. In the age of literacy, I believe we're responsible for picking up that guidebook and knowing it for ourselves. As I said before, there are alternatives and there isn't one right answer about a place of worship. Contrary to what the Watchtower has said, the truth is not a religion, it's Jesus. His death and more important, His resurrection, save us. It's a gift and not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9). That said, since it might be hard to know where to begin, here are some concrete steps:
Step 1. Pray for guidance and clarity as you study the Bible.
Step 2. Read the Bible without WT filters, blinders or commentaries and use a non-NWT translation. NKJV, NIV and NLT are all readily available options. Read entire chapters and books. Start with the New Testament. I say this not because the Old Testament isn't important (after all, it's 2/3 of the Bible) but because I get the sense the Watchtower focuses almost exclusively on the rule based system of the Old Testament and minimizes the New Covenant through Christ.
Alternate with Step 1.
Step 3. Only after doing Steps 1 and 2 repeatedly, start visiting churches in your area. I don't know where you're located but in the US, there are many options. I've attended Baptist, Methodist and non-denominational churches. Listen to what they're saying. Even if the cited Scripture is on a screen, look it up for yourself or write it down for future reference.
At this point, you might have questions. Ask the pastor who should be willing to discuss or look into them for you. If not, that might be a sign that it's not the place for you. You should also know that even within the same denomination, you may have different experiences. Don't give up! Watchtower talks endurance but tells you to give up on anything outside its doors. Don't believe it. That's how they've kept you so far.
I don't know if you mentioned it, but what were your reasons for questioning the Watchtower (and sparking a multipage discussion)? :) Their doctrinal problems aren't going to change without losing its uniqueness from "Christendom". And love your neighbor, don't lie, and be a good citizen aren't doctrines. Was it whitewashing history or hypocrisy? Sorry, but they're digging in their heels and that's just how they roll.
Step 4. All while repeating Steps 1 and 2, shop around and be discerning. Finding a new place of worship won't happen overnight. Be patient with the process and with yourself. Nowhere is perfect because we're all imperfect but faithfulness to the Bible for the sake of Christian growth, not someone's agenda should be apparent. Take care. I really hope you find Christian freedom.