Leaving quietly--yes, it's all mountains out of molehills with the Watchtower. That and hypocrisy. The issue is not for most people is not how The Name is pronounced. It's that the Watchtower hangs it hat on the idea that it's so important to use His name in worship and yet revert to what other Christian denominations have used (and still use) because it's widely accepted. JWs do not have the monopoly they think on the word Jehovah. That's why their high-falutin' claims are especially obnoxious and hypocritical.
Another issue is that one of their pet verses (Matthew 6:9) says the Father's name should be sanctified (or other translations say: hallowed). That does NOT mean Jehovah should be used all the time. To the contrary, it means His name (the Person) is set apart and holy. That's not to say we should never say the name Jehovah, but JWs could certainly be accused of overuse.
Some think the Name is unimportant and others say it should be known and spoken. I won't weigh in either way except to say: be consistent. A major issue with JW theology generally is that Jehovah can only mean the Father. I think it's the main reason the Watchtower has taken it upon themselves to add Jehovah to the New Testament even though the Tetragrammaton is NEVER used. The only time it might be justifiable to insert Jehovah is when the Old Testament is quoted but even there, that's not the word used. The Greek word is kyrios/kyrion, which is translated "Lord" and was applied to Jesus.
The only motivation I can see for adding Jehovah where the Tetragrammaton is not for clarity, but rather to create a false distinction between Jesus and Jehovah/Yahweh. Romans 10 is a good example because in the span of a few verses, it shows kyrion referring to Jesus (Romans 10:9) and then in Romans 10:13, kyrios is used again in quoting Joel 2:32 but this time it's translated as Jehovah. Did Paul get confused as he was writing and dare to use the same word to describe Jehovah, maker of heaven and earth and Jesus, a mere created being? As in everything else, the Watchtower's translation choices on where to use Jehovah instead of Lord (thus implying Jesus) are determined by its predetermined conclusions. The Watchtower Bible Detract Society strikes again!