I don't know if my upcoming statement is in conjunction with this thread but there is another reason why some of the R&F (particularly PIMOs) would not want to attend this year's Memorial: The time frames. One of my relatives who is PIMO and planning to go (only because of her spouse and his aunt, who converted his family in the Borg) informed me that a great deal of congregations have their Memorials as late as 10:00, 10:30 or 11:00 p.m.! She commented that this is due to the custom that since "The Lord's Evening Meal is supposed to start at sundown, then it would only make sense for the proceedings to start late" and "An elder told me and ___________(hubby's name) that if it means that the friends would have to leave a KH at midnight, this is due to scriptural and organizational arrangement. One doing so would show loyalty to Jehovah and the F&DSC", blah, blah.
The above fact really made me think that since the GB sold hundreds of KHs within the past short few years, they have really put the R&F plus any interested ones at a disadvantage and a hardship regarding this situation (i.e., families with many children and elderly ones who do not have adequate transportation, etc.). I'm sure that the GB has figured that the "sheeple-like" ones will make every effort to go--even if it means a great deal of inconvenience for these attendees. Glad I'm not going to attend this year!