This organization spends most of its time browbeating its slaves about outward appearances: dress, grooming, tight pants, field service slips, beards, reaching out for privileges, etc. (I.e. outward traits). Therefore, Tower Slaves are mainly interested in outward appearances more than anything. Things that are never seen (being kind to your family, being honest on their tax returns, true charity) are hardly ever mentioned.
The Tower Slave International organization also frowns upon its slaves having any real fun. Vacations (unless they are to Beth-hell), sports, dancing, and parties are all considered a waste of time and just take away time that they feel should be going to the Field Misery work.
As a result, JWs are discouraged from having fun. Add to that the fact individual JWs try to get away with as much as they can, especially when nobody from the hall is watching, and you get the huge use of porn in this organization.
A few years ago, it seemed like dozens of elders in the circuit I used to be in were getting removed for porn - and circuit bigwigs, at that. The CO was giving a 30-min Sunday talk around the circuit that was exclusively about porn. You could almost see the elders and MS squirming in their seats. The ones that remain either don’t use porn or are just a lot better at hiding it, LOL.
I am fairly sure that almost all the young males in this org today look at porn, at least occasionally. They have access to technology 24/7, aren’t allowed to have a girlfriend or date, and are in a seriously sexually-repressed puritanical religious organization. Their only outlet is porn.