Party and dancing on Legendary U.2.K.'s grave!
You'll let us know the date, right Legendary?
" we are the cause of our destruction *(it's quoted different in the bible) / i believe that 9/11 was a bad day, we cry & mourn & move on, we get over it, i got over 9/11 in under 24 hours & to be honest i'm sick of hearing about it.... now i also understand that millions was not paying attention before 9/11 & they still aint paying attention.. if people would wake the hell up and read the bible they would already know that god already warn us to listen to him, and be on guard 24/7 cause that devil which we call satan exist and on the move to overthrow billions........ where is your faith?
jesus clearly said that not to sorrow for the dead, cause they will get resurrected when the messiah comes back- john 5 verse 28,29.. so get over it and heed jesus words....
Party and dancing on Legendary U.2.K.'s grave!
You'll let us know the date, right Legendary?
i know that this has been debated before and i even started a thread 'way back when' about this very topic.
but, i can't understand why or how jws can justify trying to end persecution against them.. here is the argument: jw's believe they are the only "true" christians on earth today.
they often quote the scripture of when jesus said that they will hate you on account of his name and because his followers would be no part of the world.
Mister Biggs,
It's the title that is overlooked, next time try, " Why should JWs Fight Boobie Persecution?"
Or ask for a donation to support boobs.
at one time, nearly all of us held the thought that we would live forever.
the thought of our being mortal and actually dying just wasnt there.
deep inside, we all know we are going to die one day, but has the realization of the truth of that ever just hit you, right out of the blue?
That was a very moving post for me.
I have had to face my mortality twice in the past year. One, not seeing the paradise I was promised to play with Panda Bears and Lions and grow younger every day. (when would we stop growing younger every day?)
Second facing a life threatening illness. Hang in there everyone. We have one life to live. Be all that you can be,..I think I watch to much T.V....
oh dear.
jwzone never fails to deliver, and the only thing that can make me laugh when i have a hangover this bad (sucky thing is, i don't even drink!
) is a post like the following from that haven of dubiness:"size matters not," to borrow a phrase.
Poor thing,
She was trying to kill herself to get out of a cult.
Her husband was so embarrased, cause the circuit overseers visit was that week, and he was gonna be a elder...
So after 72 hour lock up...they remembered the demun thing.
And they lived happily ever after.
Next weeks story,
How to get out of your marriage, when you have the hots for your regular pioneer babysitter.
Young People Ask......
What is Gravol?
very funny Larry.
farkel (tm): buried deep in kenpodragon's thread "did we have the right?
" was a post from you that included a link "non-fluff" (
it was a very interesting study that you did about beth-sarim.. i know that you, among others, have done a lot of such research.
Thank you for taking over my worship of Farkel, I have been busy and slacking lately.
My favorite pizza is Canadian bacon ........and pineapple with alot of red pepper.
i don't understand why people can't see the truth when it's right there in the bible in black & white.
you can't change it to fit your personal lifestyle or modify it by only applying what intrest or benefits you.
the wt organization has its place just like all the other secular laws have theres to protect & guide us.
Hi Curyus,
Take a deep another...that's good isn't it?
Now it's not so scary to be here. Ask all the questions you want, but be prepared for the answers, and remember the breathing technique.
Lamaze always worked for me, but I'm a female.
<evil giggle>
my sadness today is the result of love and all of the ups and downs that go with it.. however, a wonderful co-worker of mine sent me something that cheered me up..
Sorry you are having a sad day Mr. 8iggs.
Very cute video, but I missed the part where we were suppose to donate to the get Mr.8iggs to a happy place?
as you may or may not be aware the poster 'mikepence' has asked people to donate to enable him (and his family?
) to travel to the silentlambs march and to file charges against their alleged abuser.
because he seemed to suddenly become very opposed to the idea of attending the march, i and some others asked him what i thought were simple and reasonable questions.
I would of replied to you in an e-mail, but it is locked. You are right< I am the QUEEN of co-dependents. I am working on it, and this has been a good lesson...again.
Larc, thanks
Simon, this is a great site, and has helped me and alot of others I am sure.
Mister 8iggs, I hope all goes well with Mike and family.
six..the check is in the mail.
Bye all and take care.....
as you may or may not be aware the poster 'mikepence' has asked people to donate to enable him (and his family?
) to travel to the silentlambs march and to file charges against their alleged abuser.
because he seemed to suddenly become very opposed to the idea of attending the march, i and some others asked him what i thought were simple and reasonable questions.
Mr. Biggs
I have been many times than I care to recall......
If I am again, I apoligize.
Surround sound maybe?