I'm also in the Spanish. Most older ones believe no matter what. The young ones don't which is good. I have work with the young ones in the congregation. Two of them told me they stop believing after last year branch visit. When mr Morris started going on about tight pants and socks, instead of encouraging them for what they go trough being a witness.
I do agree, with you there has to be a better site what really hurts the Spanish site is the extj when you see ex is a red light for them. Another big difference is the Spanish brothers. they don't like to complain or talk bad about the organization. They called la mama organisacion, so they find it disrespectful doing so.
I just had a single mother ask me to help her son She told me that her son said "warwickslave" is the nicest brother here, I'll add him to my list of kids that I have help learn the TATT. He is 19 years old with many possibilities in life.