JoinedTopics Started by Warwickslave
Pioneer School: Videos of Goberning Body with subtitles in English (Morris, Sanderson, Jackson and Lett)
by hildebrando inintro ---- 1st day after the prayer by anthony morris iii .
entrusted translations ---- before lesson 2a by mark sanderson.
completely equipped ---- before lesson 2b by geoffrey jackson.
Hypocrisy of JW Thinking After Tragedy Like Paris
by freemindfade init never has ceased to boggle my mind how twisted up jw thinking is.
when they see something like what happened in paris, in person they will express how sad and detestable it is quickly followed by "this is why we need the kingdom, and the desert god is gonna fix everything.
" here is where i get perplexed.
What do people expect god to do?
by punkofnice ini was watching the news about the french terrorist attacks.
not getting into that but i notice the media is churning it over a bit, now.
moving switly on; there were prayers for peace reported.. question: what do those praying for peace think that god will actually do about their prayers?.
Warwick Project Update Email
by wifibandit infwd from anon:.
dear brothers,.
we are happy to provide you with a brief progress update on the warwick project and explain how you can assist with a major adjustment recently approved in our construction schedule.
Make your predictions!
by Coded Logic inthe more specific the better :) here are mine:.
i predict that within the next two to three years (2017-2018) we will start seeing negative numbers in growth.. i predict that within the next thirteen to fifteen years (2027-2030) the number of jws will be less than 4million.. and i predict that by the time the first person sets foot on mars there will already have been a major split in the organization with either one of the gb or a branch overseer starting a new religion..
2015-11/3/BOE! New Literature Delivery Schedule!
by Atlantis in.. re: new schedule for delivery of magazines and literature .
.click the green download button.. http://wwwb.fileflyer.com/view/tz1mdat.
.. .. wtunderground!.
The Angels will guide a nuclear bomb away from the Governing Body!
by John Aquila inthis is one major reason why i dont try to wake up anyone anymore.
they need to take the first step, and then i will help---- if they ask.
otherwise i just listen and marvel at how some of them think.
You contemptible worms aren't giving us enough! GIVE US MORE! Service meeting part December 21, 2015
by sir82 infrom the october 19 letter to the body of elders:.
to all bodies of eldersre: service meeting part for week of december 21, 2015dear brothers:the service meeting for the week of december 21, 2015, includes a ten-minute part entitledshow appreciation for jehovahs generosity.
this is to be a talk based on the november15, 2015, watchtower, pages 14-15. sometime during this part, the video a gift in hand to jehovahshould be played for the congregation.
by Pioneerbot inwanted to say hi.
i've been lurking for a long time.
i also spend time on other forums.
Latest and greatest from Warwick
by Warwickslave injust received two emails .
recently, it was announced that the warwick whq project will be completed by september 1, 2016. with a little less than 10 months left to go on the project, the construction project committee recently met with representatives from all eleven warwick construction groups throughout the u.s. the purpose of this meeting was to determine what can be done to more effectively continue the wonderful progress being made.
as a result, it has been determined that, for the duration of the project, all warwick construction groups will focus on sending experienced, skilled tradespersons who have regularly worked in their trade(s)in a secular environment.