I like to know where your colege age kids lives? It is not the norm for most to hop knob in ohter countries unless they are very wealthy or have a source of it. Sorry, most kids in colege can't even pay their basic schooling expencses and if live off campus, their living ones. Most college kids work a full or part time employment.
I don't know all the facts yet, for htey have not been presented for trail. From what I have seen , he looks very guilty. Even more guilty than OJ.
I feel the just puinishment for Johnnie is banisment with his citizen being stripped. It would serve the purpose.
After the extremeist in the Arab-Muslim world whim he been dealing with gets though with him, he would be better off dead. I can just see him over in Afghanistan 10 years later, know ing he made a big mistake. If johnnie crosses these guys, going to jail over there will be an experience of a lifetime. Most likely he will be dead.
Johnnie is better off in this country serving life in prison. 3 squares, tv, vistors, etc will beat jail in a Arab-Muslim nation anyday.
<A HREF= http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/christianexjehovahswitnesses </A>