I did not have to sign a document, but he did informed me before we began.
Now he did bill people in the local area though the mental health clinic who had local insurance. If you drove 3 1/2 hours you did not qualified. I have to disagree with you on that point because though it he could bill medicaid. I know many of the friends who saw him on a local basis did.
The only other reason he took a discount in cash is not to report it.
I can see you are very bitter with your experice with him.
I am just wondering what made you very bitter?
Would you like to talk about your experience praivatly though email? I think you need not only to talk, but to someone who understand what you have been though. Maybe I can just listen to you even though I may not help ease you pain very much.
[email protected]
I have to admit it did not take long for me to leave. I was not raised a JW and worked at the time for the MA State Hopsital system.
Just remember there are regualr therapist who are just as bad or even worse than Bob. If Bob was not a JW he would just be another screwed up therapist. Because he was a JW you expected more from him. Most people who go into the profession are very screwed up because the money is not great.