Here is where Joe Stagintto researches Circut Leasing Corp:
<A HREF= ></A> Just click under circut leasing?no blood key chain.
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sorry, for starting a new thread again, but this is discussed on german
is there proof that is really a wt-kind corp. for selling the co's cars?.
i noticed that all given delivery points except clc-headquarters (?
Here is where Joe Stagintto researches Circut Leasing Corp:
<A HREF= ></A> Just click under circut leasing?no blood key chain.
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i got a post on my club telling me in the wt 12/01/01 from "question from the readers," saying it is ok for a jws ot pray for df or da.. from what i was told, the gb has given the green light to pray for a disfellowshipped in private prayer, but not in a public or congregational setting.
i also heard it was just a relitive or family memeber who is df or da.. this is not only "new light.
" but a radical change in wt policy toward the df.
It is amazing how the Wt hides their little disclaimers in the back section of "Question from the Readers." I was told under no circumstances are we to pray for the DF.
1976, was a year of disclaimers in that section. 10/15/76 has a question from a sister who is married to an unbeliver who confesses in front of her he commottied adutlry,b tu won't for legal purposes.
If he confess and then denies you(JW) must worte a letter to the body of elders. They must accept it and consder it between you and Jehovah, but you can remarry a JW brother.
I used this artcle to get my divorce from my first husband and the elders sould nto do anything about it.
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i got a post on my club telling me in the wt 12/01/01 from "question from the readers," saying it is ok for a jws ot pray for df or da.. from what i was told, the gb has given the green light to pray for a disfellowshipped in private prayer, but not in a public or congregational setting.
i also heard it was just a relitive or family memeber who is df or da.. this is not only "new light.
" but a radical change in wt policy toward the df.
I was a JW for 10 years and we were taught we could not pray for the DF'D. The reasoning behind it was they left Jehovah and he put them out of the Org.
I believe in the power of prayer. It is communication with God. There was only one time I remember when God told Jerimaih to stop praying for Israel because the sins were so heavy and unrepnetant.
There is no Scripture telling us to stop praying privately or public for anyone who is backsliding with the relationsip with God.
I challenge any JW if they can find me a Scripture which prove that praying either publicly or private for anyone who was a brother and errs.
As a a Christian we are alway taught to pray for those who need help in restoring thier relationship with God.
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please see
YOur welcome. Maybe you can share the site Cindy told me aobut with others. I found it very well thought out.
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i got a post on my club telling me in the wt 12/01/01 from "question from the readers," saying it is ok for a jws ot pray for df or da.. from what i was told, the gb has given the green light to pray for a disfellowshipped in private prayer, but not in a public or congregational setting.
i also heard it was just a relitive or family memeber who is df or da.. this is not only "new light.
" but a radical change in wt policy toward the df.
I got a post on my club telling me in the Wt 12/01/01 from "Question from the Readers," saying it is OK for a JWS ot pray for DF or DA.
From what I was told, the Gb has given the green light to pray for a Disfellowshipped in private prayer, but not in a public or congregational setting. I also heard it was just a relitive or family memeber who is DF or DA.
This is not only "New Light." but a radical change in WT policy toward the DF. I have never heard the GB given the Greenlight to pray for anyone who is DF or DA
Can someone please, post the link to the artcile or post it here? I like to read a copy of it.
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i've just realised it's really easy to get email addresses of witnesses by searching sites which host personal web space.
what are your views on sending out mailings and what kind of info would you send and do you think it's right (i noticed many of the pages appear to be jw children).
any thoughts?
Children still are under thier parents until they reach 18.
If they are 16 or 17, I don't have a problem corresponding with them. They are about to become adults.
If any younger their upbringing is up to their parents.
I am more concerned how their parents are not monerting them on line. Looking at an XJW site is one thing, they may be looking at site which parental controls should be on.
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please see
I like the new format much better. It is avery introactive and will more appealing.
Cindy has shown me your other website where you post a personal daily diary. I was very impress with the site. You are a very talented writer, you express you thoughts very well. I look forward to reading it.
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celtic feels down in the dumps from losing his old friend.
Sorry about your friend. I understand how you feel. Ilost my best friend over 3 years ago.
Just take the time to greive for him.
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last night i got home and turn on the tv.
just finishing was a (uk) discovery program about a recently found piece of papyri that supposedly can be dated to the time of christ.
did anyone watch this last night or have any info on it because as i understand it, the book of matthew has been dated a lot later than that.. uo
I just on Discovery a few night ago," Jesus the Complete story."
It was very educational but it slant of couse was scientific. I found it good, but it does dispell many Wt myths. Espcially about the use of the cross.
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hello everyone,.
does anyone have any information on the court proceedings for the rutherford imprisonment?.
This incident when the GB was imprison for 3 1/2 years from 1918 to 1922. The prophecy they Wt belive they fulfilled at the time was Rev. 11:1-8 about the 2 witnesses of Revelation.
Even in the height of being a JW, hearing this from the platform or the Wt sounded to me like someone scrathing thier nails on a chalkboard. I just felt they alway bragged about it. It never sounded right to me.
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