firstly thank you for your warm felt thoughts.
I was lucky mum did those little things even under pressure of my older siblings that did asked her to stop, but was her house, her rules and thank goodness she didn’t buckle!
You are one busy grandad ☺️. I’m glad you had your family all around you, memories they will remember with fondness I’m very sure.
I cannot wait for grandchildren... if doesn’t come soon I might be inclined to adopt some. 🤣🤣 I’m still in my 40’s but I feel I’ve waiting for ages!
this is all what Xmas is about, mainly gold treasured moments speckled here and there filled with laughs, silly jokes, some drama(of course) and the rituals added to the mix. I love it. There’s no excuses of... “I’m too tired” or “ I need to meet my friends after work mum” or “I’m watching tv mum.” Nothing of that. Even the cat gets prezzies. 🐱
By my family experiences still in, I know that some witnesses do xtra stuff for their children around the year, but going into school and have to feel ostracised by the lack of is something that all jws kids go through.
My biggest one was my science tests filled with red ink by my teacher. The evolution answers to the questions where just red crossed and given zero points. The word IF in the beginning followed by the answer. My teachers crossed all of it.
I have a niece that stopped studying (yippee thank goodness!!!)
I asked her what made her stop going to meetings as she replied “ they are all liars, they do something in the Kingdom Hall and something else when they don’t go.”
She’s only 16. This year she’s going to be joining us for Xmas and she’s said to be very excited. “My first Xmas ever.”
I’m glad that she’s coming to us and she’s out. Her life is a complicated one and some happy moments that’s all sometimes we need to keep us all going.
thank you for sharing and I wish you extra good memories with all those grandkids.