To be honest... I don’t know how this organisation gets away with this.
if this was in a school or on a place where young minds can be affected there would be an uprising of parents demanding an explanation!
Witnesses won’t let their children watch films that are less harmful than these pics but nonetheless young children are brought up seeing war images and destruction on a regular basis, specially inside a place where they should be worshiping the god of love and truthfulness.
Just because this comes from the watchtower....they allow it. Little do they realise that these are moulding and damaging their children.
Not mentioning the guilt, the anger, being afraid, not be able to feel worthy of love, or sometimes living.
Scared of the end of the world, scared of losing everything they know, scared of being themselves, scared of being honest. And guilt of the simplest things. 😔
A web of things that can lead to so many problems later on.